Centrifugal force is… centripetal!
Centrifugal force is space reaction o curvilinear movement.
But space has one single force, elementary and compositional force, centripetal force.
Is centrifugal force centripetal?
We consider a trial object, which executes a curvilinear movement around a fixed point.
The curvilinear movement eccentrically polarizes space and the center of centripetal force which is formed outside the curve, on the line of vector ray. The mass of the object, speed of the movement and ray, determine the intensity of polarization.
This is the force which pushes the object to the outside, to the center of centripetal force and which "disappears" when their centers coincides - forces are in balance.
Now, the object is imponderable, has rotation and its own centripetal force (gravity) - moon.
Let's assume an interpretation, when the speed of the moon on the trajectory is changed.
The increase of the speed equates the decrease of earth rotation, that is, with decrease of terrestrial centripetal force.
The report of terrestrial and moon centripetal forces is changed, displacing the centre of moon centripetal force to the outside, that is, the moon gets a "centrifugal" force.
Upon speed decrease, the phenomena develop inversely.
Periodical inversion of the sense of centripetal force consists of oscillations determining the stability of elliptic orbits.
This interpretation shows that in cosmos, bodies interact by their centripetal forces - "gravitational".
And that, they interact hierarchically and not mutually.
This reasoning may be experimented by two motorcyclists, with identical motorcycles, equipped with sensitive dynamometers and with graphical registration (tire pressure?).
Out of the extremities of flat road section, on the direction of planet rotation, start in opposite senses and after the meeting at maximum speeds, stop. They compare registered graphics.