lightning, earthquakes
and that warms the earth's core to the plasma.
Success would rival with solar panels, because it would work and the night.
How could this interface work?
REP is vertical polarization of the substance, the anode up and
cathode at center
If the substance is a conductor, the polarities form swirl currents
"short circuit in structure" and the substance heats up
If the substance is an isolator, the polarities form a dipole.
If we alternately put a copper foil and insulating foil, we get a multiple
There is thus obtained an electric potential (DU), the anode and the cathode, a series
of pilates continuously loaded of REP - an electric battery (minus
linked at ground).
The battery provide with electric current, while it is vertical.
Keeping the proportions, this current is "also a kind of swirling
Another variant of the interface is a sandwich structure made of p-n junctions.