Meissner effect - Superconductivity
The phenomenon of superconductivity was discovered by Kamerlingh Onnes in 1911.
At temperatures near of 0K, some elements and alloys become superconductors.
Vectorial interpretation :
What is the "temperature"?
The temperature are the perturbations of the vector space, with oscillations emitted by atoms.
At 0K the atoms have "stopped" the their oscillations and presents status "static" - superconductivity.
Meissner effect
Meissner effect is the interaction between a superconductors (SC) and a magnet (Mg).
In this interaction, the magnetic vector current (CVM), with proof of solid quality, "print" on atoms of the superconductor, the own guidance.
MCC when reaching on the SC surface, the vectors have orientations in the same direction - repulsive force.
CVM, penetrated into SC, generating an orthogonal vector current - forces of attraction.
The equilibrium of these forces determines the vectorial linking, between superconductor and magnet.