The characteristic of matter - the reproduction of organized structures.
Existence is energy with vector properties: force of attraction,
force of repulsion, direction, sense and orthogonality.
Therefore, material bodies are structures of vector properties.
Matter demonstrates vector properties, microscopically and macroscopically.
The intrinsic knowledge of these properties is inaccessible, we do not perceive anything!
As Lavoisier would say, everything here turns from ... nothing!
Not even the actions of the orthogonality property are not well known either.
(People of cults believe in the work of some deities, with their face and likeness)
The properties of vectors interact generating causal connections - spirit.
With causal links, the properties of vectors organize oscillations and oscillators.
The spirit are the connections that allow the variation of energy - the oscillations.
Officially, oscillations are known as the "EM spectrum of frequencies".
In oscillations, magnetism produces electricity and electricity produces magnetism,
although electricity and magnetism have different shapes and properties!
For electricity is attributed a corpuscular structure, with mechanical properties,
totally different from the structure of magnetism - "force field".
The names electric and magnetic have their reason, far from that of vector properties.
Vector property interactions:
The interactions of vector properties produce structures,
in which the form of energy oscillates - the kinetic energy
is transform into potential energy and vice versa, as in any other oscillations.
Existence in itself consists in oscillations of energy! The lack of oscillation is non-existent!
Here is the "mystery" of vector properties - to produce something out of... nothing!
Vector oscillations and oscillators thus determine space, time and matter.
Oscillations occur in two ways:
1) Transformations of kinetic / potential / kinetic energy, in closed circuit.
Interactions produce centripetal vector force,
kinetic energy, transformed at the center into potential energy (electroid).
Potential energy in turn is converted into kinetic energy, centripetal force.
In this circuit, the potential energy becomes a hidden material entity (electroid),
and the centripetal force a mysterious natural process ("gravity").
2) Stationary double torr oscillator and traveller double torr oscillator.
Stationary double torr oscillator - hydrogen.
The kinetic energy consists of the variation of the dimensions of the torus (nanometric),
decreasing (centripetal force), or increasing (centrifugal force).
This phenomenon is produced by the attraction of polarities in closed circuits,
on the shortest path (centripetal force) and by the polarities in open circuits,
which join at a distance ("centrifugal force, expansion").
The potential energy consists in the high density of the polarities oriented in the torus.
Double torr oscillates, alternately transferring kinetic and potential energy between the two toruses.
The kinetic energy of a torus becomes potential energy
in the torus coupled orthogonally and vice versa.
Thus, the kinetic energy, the amplitude, pulsates alternately
from one tor to another, "left right" with a certain frequency.
Pulsations are the source of the spectrum of lines characteristic of hydrogen.
If the amplitude of a pulsation exceeds a certain limit, it emits orthogonally a torus,
which forms its pair with the space vectors, becoming a new oscillator.
This phenomenon explains the abundance of hydrogen in the universe - expansion.
The double torr traveller oscillator.
The double torr oscillator can be compared to the oscillations of a pendulum.
Increasing the amplitude of the oscillations,
the pendulum acquires a rotational movement, to the right or to the left.
Similarly, increasing the amplitude of a torus,
it orthogonally reproduces a new torus, to which it transfers energy,
the phenomenon continuing with the linear and angular displacement (90o) of each pulsation.
The bilateral alternation, left right, becomes unilateral, to the left, or to the right.
The traveller oscillator is displce at the speed of light and with rotational motion.
Among other things, this phenomenon has the characteristics of the laser beam.
Waves are perturbations in the stability of an environment, whatever that may be.
The waves are a way of oscillating the kinetic and potential energy,
specific to the environment, from the disturbance of the most sensitive environment,
the stability of the polarities orientation of the vectors in a conductor (information),
to the disturbance of the harshest environment,
the stability of the vector polarities oriented in the electroide, under elevate pressure.
The waves generated the biosphere and the sense organs,
being the spectrum of the environment in which we live - the climate.
From hydrogen to galaxies, all structures of vector properties reproduce.
Hydrogen reproduces at the speed of light and makes up a star.
In the star, hydrogen also reproduces intensely and the developed star reproduces.
He first ejects substance around it, a belt with heavy atoms (a multicolored nebula)
that will form the stellar arms of the galaxy.
In this way, galaxy stars can become galaxies or planetary systems.
The sequences of this process cannot be integrated, their evolution being much too slow.
Surprisingly, the belt of substance ejected by the star, is not an "abandonment"!
So, the organization of the expelled substance in one or more spheres is not random!
It is naturally generated by the kinetic energy of the star (centripetal force).
The centripetal force polarizes the EM substance,
just as lightning is polarized in the Earth's atmosphere.
The spherical shape is a globular lightning, a stellar embryo, an electromagnet.
Thus, the polarized substance is compressed spherically by its own kinetic energy.
(obviously, the substance being reduced, it becomes only an asteroid belt).
The spheres remain permanently dependent on the kinetic energy of the "mother" star.
The solar system clearly shows this phenomenon.