"In nature, nothing is lost,
nothing is gained,
everything is transformed."
- Lavoisier -
Genesis the structure of the universe
In a nebula, are necessary and sufficient conditions, as an electrical discharge bring the centripetal electromagnetic force into service - globular lightning!
The phenomenon is a electromagnetic shock, with frequencies from the acoustic until at optical spectrum, resembling a giant cosmic explosion
- the gas took shape of a star or galaxy!
In the Spiral arms of the gas in rotating, the thunderbolts give shape to the other stars or planets.
The movement in the vector space
The vector space (fluen) is polarized electromagnetic by the mass of the gas in motion of rotation.
The polarization electromagnetic, it induce omnidirectional and are subordinated in relation to their energy.
The energy, depends on the mass and speed of rotation - the centripetal acceleration ("Gravity")
The centripetal electromagnetic acceleration, is a variable size with the distance, increases and then decreases (turns into density and pressure).
The acceleration variation, of the pressure sizes, density and frequency, reveals a metamorphosis to the centripetal electromagnetic force, in the structure of matter, from electromagnetic field (polarized space), to the solid Body.
1) Nebula
2) Nebula electric polarized
3) The electric arc generates the centripetal electromagnetic force
4) Electromagnetic centripetal force compresses the gas in a whirl
5) The centripetal electromagnetic force and rotational speed, are interdependent

The centripetal electromagnetic force
- the components of the centripetal electromagnetic force, observed in the thunder experiment -

1- acceleration: variable force, carrying substance from the periphery to the center of force.
2- density: in increase, following the decrease in volume
3- pressure: on the increase, following rising density with lowering volume
4- frequency (temperature): on the increase, with the continuous reduction of the electromagnetic sphere.
5- vortex (speed): acceleration of the substance together with her tangent speed , from superior level to inferior level - vector composition.
The rotation of the solar system is differentiated, in inside of the sun, and in "Mirror" the entire system, mirror chromosphere to be.
Here must be the maximum speed of rotation.
