The mass-energy equivalent into our understanding.
To quantitatively express the Law of Universal Attraction, Newton called "mass,"
the amount of substance contained in a closed macroscopic physical system
and considered "punctiform". The mass then becoming a fundamental quantity
for macroscopic physical systems. Starting from this "support", the mass of the
physical system and from the definition of energy like function of state, of the
motion of matter, Einstein arrives at the mass-energy equivalent -- E = mc2.
This reasoning could be anyone's, but Einstain was an... Einstain.
However, the mass of the closed physical system is a structure of substances,
"matter in continue motion", respectively forms of energy called matter. One
cannot conceive of the motion of the physical system at the speed of light,
even if it is "punctiform", to prove equivalence. Any variation of the energy
of the closed physical system, in relation to the outside, is also evident the
variation of the forms of energy inside the closed physical system.
The mass-energy equivalent being reciprocal, it explains the vector structure
of matter and shows that energy is the fundamental source of the formation
of structures in the universe. In other words, the mass-energy equivalent
proves that existence consists in energy (with vector properties, ignored here).
Comparison: a thread can form a crocheted sock and the length of the thread
is equivalent to the sock-shaped thread.
Why, however, does the notion of matter prevail?
Animals perceive nature, the climatic environment in which they live, through
the sense organs. In fact, the interactions of the climate have created the
sense organs of animals through natural selection. The stimuli to which the
sense organs were continuously subjected determined by natural selection,
the adaptation of the animals to the conditions of the environment, gaining
habit, aptitudes - intelligence. Natural selection is therefore the law of evolution,
the law of structural evolution of complex biological organisms, the law of existence.
Intelligence has been and is a level of evolution, with a development perspective.
At the level of intelligence, animals have developed ways of communication
specific to the environment in which they live: in the solid environment,
in the liquid environment, on the surface or in the depths of the oceans, etc.
Human beings have developed communication through language, reaching
the level of scientific knowledge of the phenomena of the surrounding nature.
The process of knowledge has proven to be difficult for the many generations.
They sought to understand what they are and what the simplest objects are
made ofthey used every day, which they called matter, material. In the age
of scientific knowledge, the age of matter, Aristotle says that matter is made
of four elements: earth; air; fire and water, ignoring the atoms of Democritus.
Aristotle did not believe that the elements in turn had a structure.
That structure was demonstrated by Dalton in an experiment, returning
to the indestructible atom of Democritus. Dalton did not suspect that his atom
also had an internal structure. The Crookes tube was the device that spurred
research into the atom and other phenomena. A pleiade of enlightened minds
participated in the studying for the atom: J.J. Thomson; Rutherford; Bohr;
Louis de Broglie; Marie Curie are just a few of those who have penetrated
the mysteries of the structure of the atom. It was elaborate the planetary atom,
having a very hard core! However, the research is not completed yet and
from the wave-corpus interpretation will come at in finaly, at oscillations of
the potential-kinetic states of energy with vector properties, which make up
atoms and stars. Now, the energy of the sun can no longer be E = mc2, the
stars are no longer considered bodies with material mass as Nevton said!
The stars are "electric" energy, U . I . t, which continuously changes its kinetic
state (U) and potential state (I), where the kinetic state (U) is magnetism.
Since the kinetic state of energy is equivalent and indissoluble with the
potential state (vector orthogonally closed circuits), the energy
of the solar system is iequal to the square of the electroide intensity.