Interpretation is subjective reasoning, which can be real, or false.
Interpretation of electricity:
In 1734 Du Fay in France, finds that there are two type of electricity: glassy and resinous.
Real or false?
Hearing such information, Benjamin Franklin remembered how his father used to take liquid wax out of the pot, molded it over the cotton threads and… With of common sense judgment, Benjamin says that there are not two types of electricity, but only one. Electricity is imponderable fluid which fills all bodies. If there is one load (quantity) from the fluid of a body, a fluid deficit, a minus, shall remain. If you add such load to another body, it shall have a fluid surplus.
The reestablishment of the fluid balance, when you get closer the two bodies, produces attraction or even sparks.
Real or false?
The explanation and the idea of electric load were imposed in the scientific world.
Real or false?
Ernest Rutherford elaborates the planetary model of the atom, with positive and negative electric loads.
Real or false?
Hendrik Anton Lorentz's definition:
"Electricity is made of material particles with definite load and mass"
Real or false?
The electromagnetic waves have no "electricity", they have "field lines"
Are field lines a shape of existence of the matter … "from another nature?"
Subjective reasoning:
Existence and inexistence = Cognoscible and un-cognoscible. Real or false?
Space and time are dimensions of existence. Real or false?
Existence consists of the characteristics of space and time. Real or false?
Time attribute is the one way sense. Real or false?
Space attributes are dimensions and induction. Real or false?
Sense, dimensions, induction are vectorial. Real or false?
Existence consists therefore from existence vector! Real or false?
The existence vector explains space attributes. Real or false?
Existence means vector structures. Real or false?
existence = vector oscillations = reasoning = human being = matter. Real or false?
Matter = electromagnetism = vector currents = space. Real or false?
Vector currents = electric and magnetic power = field lines. Real or false?
The propagation of the electric current, is a centripetal electromagnetic interaction
Electricity are interactions among the vector structures of space.
Electricity properties are vectors' properties: force, direction, sense.
Static electricity is the "static" imbalance of vector polarities.
A isolating body (as Stephen Gray used to call it) is electric neutral or polarized, when vector polarities are closed, or open respectively.
By fractioning a isolating body, the surface vectors are predominantly open by one of the two polarities (+ or -),Du Fay used to call "glassy and resinous", and Benjamin Franklin used to call "loads".
Dynamic electricity is the neutrality of vector polarization by a conductor, which propagates vector orientation to a neutral body (capacity), or to the opposed polarity (closed circuit).
This propagation orientates orthogonally the vectors of the conductor (electromagnetic) and we call it electric current.
In the conductor or electric arc, current has the same interactions and effects, the difference is the structure of the conductor.