Space, solid, liquid and gaseous medium are all structures of energy with
vector properties. With this reality we begin the interpretation of the notion
of instinct. Instincts are vector interactions with different forms of manifestation.
Instincts are simple or complex, global interactions, with or without contact,
between the vector forces of attraction and repulsion (between good and evil).
Contactless is a way of saying, because space is energy with vector
properties, all the bodies of the universe are in contact (PAM Dirac).
Apparently, instinct is a simple action, in which reason does not take part.
But reason processes the facts of the forms of manifestation of instincts,
with the instinctive subjectivity of choosing for good or evil. We can say that
chemistry is a world of "instincts" with direct contact, in which the first
nucleic acids were formed. Instinct had a historical evolution, in the form of
the vector forces of attraction and rejection of the first organic structures,
then becoming sense and locomotor organs, consequences of their interactions
with the stimuli of the specific environment. These complex organs have
become for the body, the determining factor of natural selection - live or die.
This evolution is repeated hereditarily (in a closed circuit), between procreation
and maturity. The reason for each species to exist lies in the realization of
instincts. Reason itself is energy with vector properties, a more complex
structure of the vector forces of attraction and repulsion coming through the
sense organs. More complex because the sense organs receive stimuli from
the environment and send them to memory. Reason processes stimuli from
memory in the form of "thought." By processing thought, reason turns it
into intention, then intention into action and action into deeds and effects.
Instinctive actions are vector forces (energy), through which animals hunt to
feed and to defend or expand the hunting area. All animal species form a
balance between the biosphere and the development
or extinction of species, due to the phenomenon of natural selection.
Biosphere infected with human civilization.
Driven by instinct, each species arranged its own shelters, with choosing the
necessary and specific conditions: Nests; burrows or underground galleries;
bordeie; houses; villas; palaces; and so on Other species migrate annually,
choosing the climatic conditions for the development of their offspring, or
waiting for the right (warm) season. For the human species, these conditions
have disappeared. The human species is literally fighting diseases with the
forces of nature, with everything that stands in their way, for conquests,
expansion and development. The settlements thus expanded, over the entire
surface of the planet, over the last "white" surfaces, discovering how small
the planet is. For the need for energy and minerals for industry, they have
dug up the depths of the earth's crust, bringing to the surface minerals
incompatible with the biosphere. For planet earth, the biosphere is an
ephemeral period in its evolution, a parasitic form, characteristic of the planets:
"yesterday" existed on the planet Mars, "today" exists on earth and
"tomorrow" will exist on Venus. The development of the Earth's biosphere
lasted 500 million years, with periods of dimming sunlight, caused by the
formation of the planets Venus and Mercury - Proterozoic and Phanerozoic eons.
In just a few hundred years, human civilization has hurried the agony of the
biosphere. Evolution occurs anyway and is demonstrated by the activity of
planetary atmospheres, moving from structures with heavy elements
(satellite generating rings), then gases of increasingly lighter elements,
to the lack of planetary atmosphere.
Between these sequences can be developed the sequence of biospheres.
In general, the planets evolve from the hyper-volcanic state to the inert state,
the biosphere being an ephemeral sequence.