The internal structure
of the earth
Materialism claims that the fundamental form of existence is matter.
For the materialist conception, the earth was formed together with the
gaseous sun, from a molecular cloud. Gravitational pressure is the attraction
of atoms, which formed three concentric layers, the heavy matter at the
the core, the viscous mantle and the earth's crust. The core reaches millions
bars and temperatures of five thousand
degrees Celsius. The existence of a strong
magnetic field and a rotation movement, the causes of which are absolutely
inexplicable, are found. There are other inexplicable phenomena, which
call phenomena of nature, rules, laws of nature, such as energy and the
of attraction and repulsion. The laws and rules of nature are the vectorial
properties of existence. The vector properties of existence constitute
vector space. The interactions of the vector properties of the vector
are Energy. Energy forms in the vector space the 'orthogonality'
property of
existence, orthogonally closed vector circuits. Orthogonally closed circuits
form the structures called matter. The property of orthogonality, known
the rule of the drill, right hand left hand etc., is the prototype of
the vector
structures of the universe. In closed circuits, the vector force of attraction
shortens the length of the circuit and implicitly, generates the "centripetal
vector force". The centripetal vector force of the magnetism
of an electric
conductor, aligns the vectors by compression - the electric circuit.
Alignment, in the materialistic interpretation, is "conductivity
electric charges". The magnetic field thus formed a magnetic "tube"
preserves the orthogonal orientation of the electrical vector polarities.
Obviously, in this configuration the notions of current, flow, transport
electrical charges disappear. Electromagnetic circuits are orthogonally
closed vector circuits, without these absurd inventions, determined
by the materialistic definition of energy.
Now we can analyze the internal structure of the earth.
The earth is one of the planets generated by the sun's atmosphere - the
system. In the solar activity closed orthogonal vector circuits were formed
and their centripetal force massively incorporated substance, making up
structure of the planet earth. The radial electric potential, present
on the sun
and on the earth thus becoming imponderable, generated the repulsive force
on an orbital trajectory. Of course, the reader sees here the force of
propulsion. In orbit, the impendable earth oscillates around the sun,
the centripetal vector force at aphelion and the radial repulsive force
at perihelion.
The earth in a gas state, repeats at a reduced level, the phenomenon of
reproduction and releases a satellite - the moon. The activity of the
in continuous cooling (without energy input), hydrogen passing through
conditions of fusion reactions transforms into atomic elements, as does
the moon.
Magnetic pressure (the voltage)
The pressure of orthogonally closed vector circuits, consists in their
forces of mutual compression, eliminating oscillations. The pressure thus
describes an exponentially increasing curve towards the center, forming
internal structure of the earth. Electromagnetic pressure transforms kinetic,
light energy into potential, dark energy.
The configuration of internal structures
in successive concentric layers is exactly
the consequence of the exponential
increase of the electromagnetic pressure.
The surface of the earth became a layer
of solid atomic elements, then a viscous layer of atomic elements, followed
by a
layer of hot gas. In the hot gas, the electromagnetic pressure raised
the temperature,
producing fission reactions. Fission makes the transition of the substance
into vectors, which become in corpore, the intensity of the orthogonal
electric and magnetic circuits in the central area. Amplified continuously,
the intensity of the magnetic circuits increases the centripetal force
and implicitly
increases the pressure on the electric core exponentially. Obviously,
by eliminating
the oscillations in the electric core,
the temperature becomes zero Kelvin.
The maximum limit of the electromagnetic pressure is the electric core,
surrounded by the centripetal force of
the magnetic circuits, voltage (electromagnetic
force). Therefore, the center of the forces of the magnetic circuits is
not the
center of the earth, it is the circular core of the electric torus, the
center of the
electromagnetic force. Only the center of the centripetal vector force
of electric
circuits is the center of the earth, the point where the core compresses
the axis
of the magnetic circuits. In the area of the electric nucleus, there is
no matter,
there is electromagnetic pressure, an immense potential energy, seen only
reason. The Hubble telescope is a tool, not reason, it sees a "black