Let's know the structure of the Cyclone
Currently, the cyclone is an atmospheric phenomenon
known only from the description of the effects.
Vectorially, the cyclone represents the organization of energy
with vector properties in two closed orthogonal circuits.
The image of a cyclone is similar in scale to the images of stellar and galactic systems.
Description of the operation of a cyclone
The genesis of a cyclone is the result of meeting certain climatic conditions.
The first condition is the place where large amounts of water evaporate
with the upward movement of vapors, which form a gas current.
Vapor density and movement at the base of the gas current,
initiates the Bernoulli principle, which partially closes the open electric circuits radially
(by lightning), generating orthogonally closed magnetic circuits.
Closed electrical and magnetic circuits generate centripetal forces.
Therefore, the electromagnetic phenomenon amplifies, and in the upper part of the ascending
current, the electrical polarities remaining open become a true magnetic north pole.
Respectively, the high density of open electrical circuits physically takes
over the function of open magnetic polarities and strongly repel each other.
Of course, electrical and magnetic circuits
are identical vector circuits, the names being only functions.
As with the North Magnetic Pole, the divergence of open circuits repels the substance
with their radial forces, generating strong depression and lowering of the temperature.
The polar depression continuously sucks the substance out of the cyclone's trunk and drives
it in a closed circuit (the water circuit in nature in an accelerated way, with phase changes).
The cyclone thus prolongs its life, its displacement representing
a disturbance, a wave on the radial electric potential.
At the same time, the electric and magnetic closed circuits being centripetal forces,
accelerate the substance towards the center and in turn generate radial electric potential,
is exactly the force that accelerates the substance angularly (the vortex).
Where the necessary conditions are met, the energy with vector properties
reproduces on a scale such structures (cyclones; planets; stars).