The science of civilization
The science of terrestrial civilization does not know, does not have a
explanation of the magnetic phenomenon, does not know the electrical
phenomenon, with all the empirical achievements of technology. Knowledge
has been hindered by the very definition of energy, in fact, by the materialist
philosophical conception of existence. With this level of knowledge, the
genesis was left to the divinity. The definition of energy says without
embarrassment, that it is a function of state, we understand the movement
matter. So, the movement of matter produces energy. But, movement is
produced by a force, an impulse, energy. That is, energy moves matter
matter produces energy! Respecting the definition of energy, physicists
forced to invent electric charges and implicitly "electric current",
as an
explanation of the electric phenomenon. The negative charges, material
particles called electrons, had to move in an orderly manner in the conductors,
under the action of an electric field. The energy of the electric field
moves the
electrons to produce electricity - the definition of energy has been followed
point by point. The practical application of the definition, of the invention,
was left to the empiricist, to the technicians. However, the explanations
empirical achievements through electric charges, of the PN junction, of
planetary magnetism, etc., turned out to be very complicated. How could
terrestrial civilization, indoctrinated with these "scientific"
and religious
definitions and concepts, admit that the earth is a functional structure,
composed of two orthogonally closed vector circuits (electrical and magnetic),
which react to the aggression of human civilization, like a living organism.
could he admit, that the huge pressure
of the electric circuit, the core
around the magnetic axis is energy with
vector properties,
not substance, not atoms, not oscillations,
i.e. zero K.
The interaction of the sun with the planet earth.
In the solar system, the sun interacts with all the planets. The interaction
the sun with the planet earth represents the seats of attraction and revolution
and the radiated energy emanated. In its evolution, the earth and the
emanating from the sun generated the biosphere. The photosynthesis of
vegetation, mainly forests, assimilated the sun's radiation, forming a
balance. In the biosphere, the development of human civilization has irreparably
damaged the climatic balance, deforesting the forests. Now, we live the
of the development of civilization, which still continues its development.
In the summer of 2023, the order word is the cause of social and climate
disturbances. The cause is the consequence of the development of human
society, for prosperity, power, wealth, fun and unlimited pleasures. "Scientific"
culture conceives existence, a creation of divinity, the earth being a
a "mass" of matter, Newton
said. The divinity, the religious clergy, being the
necessary advisor to the ruler, cultivating the fear of the "afterlife".
The Earth,
through its reaction to the destruction of the balance of the biosphere,
demonstrates that the astronomical spheres
are functional structures of vector
energy, with evolutions, life, from formation through reproduction, to
decomposition. For the earth, the development of human society is the
acceleration of evolution, the shortening of the life of the biosphere.
evolution, the earth "burys" human civilization, like the plant
on Mars.