Hydrogen atom configuration.
Existence is energy with vector properties (force field for Faraday).
The property of orthogonality of closed vector circuits (electric field and magnetic field),
determines the shape and structure of the hydrogen atom.
Hydrogen is the first microscopic entity with corpuscular but flexible properties.
In principle, the hydrogen atom has the form of a double torus
vectorial oscillator (electric and magnetic).
The structure, shape of EM circuits and frequency of oscillations can be altered by external forces.
The hydrogen atom adopts different hypostases.
Thus, in molecular hydrogen, the atoms have a vector circuit completely surrounded by the other,
becoming a microscopic electroid, with magnetic polarities link the atoms.
In the solar chromosphere, orthogonal circuits interlinking and form the atoms of elements.
In the laser beam, the hydrogen atoms are traveling oscillators.
In the center of the sun, the high electromagnetic pressure (there is no other pressure!),
break the orthogonal circuits and includes them in the electroid.
And sunspots can be ephemeral decomposition of hydrogen into massive electric and magnetic fields.

The hypostases of hydrogen atom
