has similar activity to the sun.
<<When it's rain and lightning, let's think that the rain make
the electric potential of the earth>>
How simple it is!
It's simple when we know the cause, the electrical potential
and we know from experience and the effect, the electric arc.
Let us interpret so on the activity from inner of the
The centripetal vector interaction, or centripetal electromagnetic force,
accelerates and compresses spherically the substance. How?
Acceleration can not move the substance at the speed of light but accelerating
towards this speed.
The acceleration passes through the substance, and this pass becomes impulse,
the substance is in motion, or becomes weight when the substance is static
thus the weight produces spherical pressure.
So, weight is not a attraction, it is pressure, it is the action of centripetal
electromagnetic force.
The fact that the electromagnetic force passes through the substance at
the speed of light,
determines the polarization of the substance, which composes the radial
electric potential.
The inexhaustible electrical potential, perpetually produces electric
arc discharge
and emits radiation on all frequencies - thermal energy.
Through the electric discharges, it produces atmospheric currents - the
In the atmosphere, the electric arc emits radiation with kilometer wavelengths.
From crust to center, wavelengths decrease to gamma wavelengths.
So to the center the wavelengths are those generated by nuclear fission.
Nuclear fission consists breaking currents of link (with arc) and with
gamma radiation emission.
This is the activity that keeps the core in the plasma state.
If we think logically, at the core of the planet, in the peak of pressure,
the peak of temperature, in the peak of density, there are not the conditions
the existence of heavy elements - they are decomposed.
Here the atoms are fissionable into nucleons - hydrogen.
The conditions of nuclear and atomic fusions grow from core to crust.
The dimensions of the core plasma, depend on the electrical potential
the potential depend of flow of substtance, accelerated by the centripetal
the rotation speed of the planet.
If the earth had reserves of substance, like Jupiter's rings, it would
be like Jupiter.
The electrical potential would increase with the flow of substance in
the rings,
and the state of the planet would be plasma.
Earth is a living organism
For thousands of years we have the illusion that the earth is a passive
structure, like space.
Now, we find that all the phenomenon described
the consequences of centripetal vector interaction!
The centripetal vector interaction (gravity) determines the existence
of the space and planetary electrical potential and organizes from the
substance, a autonomous cybernetic structure..
The earth is therefore a living organism with logical links between cause-effect
These ties are the spirit of the planet, the life of the planet
The vegetable and animal organisms,
Consequences of the planetary electrical potential
If the organic structure of the earth results from the electrical currents
generated by the planetary potential, the same currents must be the cause
of the occurrence
development of the vegetal and animal organisms.
These interpretations are too recent to understand their importance.
It is natural to be so, since "gravity" only now has a logical,
vectorial interpretation, and the earth's electrical potential is the
most important gain of this interpretation.
Certainly, experimental research programs will develop rapidly,
On the role of vertical and unidirectional electric (vectorial) currents
First of all, the interaction with electrolytes, in the development of
the vertical structure (growth) and especially in the functioning of the
circulatory system and the nervous system.