Pressure and temperature
First of all, let's clearly understand the occurrence of the gravitational
Gravity has replaced the centripetal force, replacing its unidirectional force
with the bidirectional force of attraction. The research was thus embezzle
towards the new interpretation, attributing in a subsidiary way the unidirectional
quality to the "mass" of the body. The study of centripetal force
in this interpretation,
that is, of gravity, is absurd. Matter does not produce energy, energy produces
The force of attraction between the opposite polarities of the vectors is
of the vector properties of energy. This property is closely related of
directivity and of course, of all the vector properties of energy.
When the forces of attraction unite the vectors in a closed circuit (electric),
the orthogonality property closes identical circuits around it, which we call
the "magnetic field". Vectors joined in closed circuits cannot be
collinear and
form open angles proportional to the radius of the curve. The directivity
vector property closes the angles of the curve, forming small triangles and
successively smaller circuits towards the center. The bisectors of triangles
are forces inversely proportional to the radius of the curve, propagated to
the center at the speed of light - this is the centripetal force.
In closed vector circuits, electric and magnetic, the vector forces of attraction
are transformed into centripetal forces by the vector property of directivity,
forming an orthogonal network that accelerates the substance t
o the center - an electromagnet.
Formation of the internal structure of the sun.
The interior of the sun is organized on levels with distinct structures, by
vector properties of energy, depending on the pressure of the centripetal
The centripetal acceleration compresses the hydrogen sphere, with the strong
increase of the pressure and implicitly of the density, which radically changes
the structure of the substance, forming three levels of distinct structures.
The first level is formed by the photosphere, where the centripetal acceleration,
density and pressure, all act on hydrogen, to which hydrogen reacts by multiplication.
I risk a description of these reactions, recalling that the hydrogen atom
is an
oscillator in which it oscillates orthogonally, the kinetic and potential
of energy (kinetics / magnetism, potential / electricity).
All interactions in the photosphere have the same nature, being energy with
properties. The first reaction of the hydrogen atom is to increase the amplitude
of the oscillations. Exceeding a certain limit, each amplitude generates (induces)
in the vector space a traveling oscillator (laser beam). The phenomenon of
hydrogen multiplication is an explosion. The explosions produce in the
photosphere a continuous composition and decomposition of oscillations
and oscillators, a total disorder. In the photosphere, the composition and
decomposition of vector circuits produce electric arc, a spectrum of
oscillations that raises the temperature to a maximum limit.
The consequences are known as effects of solar activity.
The most conclusive effect is the existence of the chromosphere, the bubbling
of explosions from the photosphere, the reactor that produces the atoms of
the elements, substance belts and planets. The chromosphere is the exit gate
of the solar wind, of the traveling oscillators started from the photosphere
all directions, having the collision zone with the substance accelerated by
the centripetal force in crown, where it raises the temperature to millions
of K.
In the photosphere, the exponential increase in pressure and density, as a
result of increasing centripetal acceleration and explosions, decomposes
hydrogen into a spectrum of high-density oscillations. The circuits of the
electric and magnetic centripetal forces reach the densities from a lightning.
By interference, oscillations are included in these circuits and increase
density of orientation. The density of the substance thus becomes the density
of the vectors in the circuits of the electric and magnetic centripetal forces,
making oscillations impossible. The pressure proves to be directly proportional
to the density of the orientation of the vectors in the centripetal force
and inversely proportional to the density of the oscillations (with temperature).
More specifically, the pressure is directly proportional to the potential
energy and inversely proportional to the kinetic energy (Ohm's law).
By default, in level two, the temperature transition occurs, from the maximum
limit of the substance in the photosphere, to the minimum limit of zero K.
Level three of the sun's structure, the electrode is the terminus point of
centripetal accelerations electric and magnetic.
The solar system is an structure of energy with vector properties.
The electroide is the potential energy that keeps the structure of the system