The origin of energy
Nolens, volens, we come back to the definition of existence.
We do not have a definition of existence, beyond ... to be or not.
Instead, the universe is defined by the existence of two vague fundamentals:
Substance and force field.
Obviously, the definition is influenced by the justification of gravitational force.
The substance in its turn (matter) has two physical dimensions: mass and energy.
Is energy a characteristic of the substance?
Is the substance not the structure of energy?
The substance can not be fundamental! The mass is a structure of the energy!
Vectorial Interpretation
By existence or non-existence, we understand "something" or nothing.
Existence began with that one something, called energy.
Energy demonstrates vector properties. Energy is not a substance!
Energy, force, movement are exclusive vector interactions.
So, energy in turn consists in the activity of vector properties.
The activity organizes the vectors in oscillations, oscillators, forces - movement.
Without movement, energy is non-existent, zero, nothing.
At the size of an oscillator, vector forces compress each other at enormous pressures.
At those pressures, vector forces become the properties of substance.
This is the jump of existence, from nothing to something, from energy to substance.
Obviously, the interpretation confirms the equivalence of Einstein, E = mc2, wcich
turns out to be identity, the substance being a structure of oscillations with speed "c" (energy).
The substance with the vectors properties produces the phenomena and laws of the universe:
forces; atoms; stars; galaxies; space; time; etc.
By absurd, the energyless universe becomes non-existent, nothing!
Force unity, fundamental force.
Energy - understanding how energy is produced.
We perceive energy (effects) with senses and less with reason.
For senses, the energy is "fire, danger".
For intellect, the energy are vectorial interactions.
Warm, cold, light, dark, there is no!
The force of attraction or rejection between two vector polarities is the first form of spirit and
the fundamental energy unit (a quantum).
It is an ideal representation, the force being always multiple.
Organization of the vector force unit
Two vectors unite their polarities, become neutral and form the smallest closed circuit.
The orthogonality property extends these circuits,
producing the multiple force unit - centripetal force (gravitational acceleration).
The centripetal acceleration increases towards the center, being inversely proportional to size.
Hydrogen atom
The centripetal force compresses the orthogonal circuits, until to their equilibrium.
The two orthogonal circuits oscillate around this balance.
The oscillation absorbs or emits vectors in and out of the circuit,
repeated with the resonance frequency.
Connecting and disconnecting the vectors into the oscillating circuit produces arc
and generates energy in the form of oscillations (spectrum, atomic energy).
To understand the phenomenon, I have described single vector circuits.
In reality, there are toroidal flows of parallel vectors, mutually confined by the its pair.
Here, vectorial orthogonality is the origin of Ampere's rule.
This is the double torus oscillator, the first solid corpuscular entity - the hydrogen atom.
Hydrogen molecule
Two hydrogen atoms unite some of the open polarities of vector flows that bind the two atoms.
The oscillations of the two atoms, synchronized by the link, form a unity.
This connection is the spirit, the way of organizing the vectors
The spirit (the link), brings into existence a new solid corpuscular entity - the hydrogen molecule.
When the spirit disappears, the molecule dies and the hydrogen atoms become free.
Hydrogen is therefore the corpuscular unit that builds such atomic structures
until the spirit becomes precarious, unstable - radioactivity.
