From amino acids to consciousness
Existence is energy with intrinsic unknown properties, which through their
interactions known as physical laws and rules, form hierarchical structures
and systems - holism called by us the matter of the universe. Energy is not
matter, the interactions of the vector properties that give shape to the structure
of energy are not accessible to the sense organs. Therefore, the form of the
energy structure, which has become accessible to the sense organs and
called matter is considered the fundamental form of existence. The evolution
of vector structures continues hierarchically, from infinitely small shapes to
infinitely large shapes. In this spectrum is also found the system of vectorial
biostructures. To Louis Pasteur's observation that living organisms are born
of living organisms by reproduction, we add the observation that and the stars
are born from stars by reproduction. It is inconceivable to say that living
organisms are privileged exceptions of existence. Living organisms can only
be the interactions of the vector properties of energy, like all other structures,
which in turn are functional (living). Indeed, the "exception" is a sequence
in the evolution characteristic of plenums and called climate, conditions in
which the interactions of the vector properties of energy compose organic
structures. Organic structures develop a spectrum that contains systems with
hierarchical evolution, starting with amino acids, plant and animal organisms
to beings with intelligence and consciousness. The organic cell has the structure
with the highest stability, selected from the many possible vector structures.
The vector polarities of the cell constitute the memory, the code, the program
of connections with other cells, in order to form the organic structure of a
species, which with its own polarities develops a plant. This description
wants to show that the program, the code of development of a biological
organism is distributed in successive hierarchical sequences. The vector
polarities of the sequences can be reconfigured by natural selection, the
phenomenon called mutation. In the sequences and memory to the nervous
system in animals is distributed, on instincts, locomotor and sense organs,
speech and self-awareness.
The nervous system and the generation of the magnetic field in cosmic
bodies cannot be interpreted by "electrical charges", this being inventions.
The animal body is a structure of energy, in which the interactions of vector
properties, the laws of physics and chemistry operate under the guidance of
an organ called the central nervous system, the CNS. Consciousness is the
resonates between the vector oscillations of external structures and those in
the structure of memory, through the sense organs, with the role of interface.
The interface converts information stimuli with mainly optical and acoustic
frequencies into verbal codes and images, which will be saved memory.
The functional connections of memory with the sense organs and the muscular
system are vector polarities propagated by isolating guides called nerves.
Through the vector circuits (nerves) the memory transmits the command and
receives the response of the action. The action is the piezoelectric phenomenon
demonstrated experimentally by Luigi Galvani. The example of an autonomous
piezoelectric organic structure interconnected by vector circuits is the cord.
The guides are specific organic structures, evolved by selection, which
ensure the flexibility and reliability of vector circuits. When the guide is
broken or damaged, the circuit of the vector polarities disappears irreparably.
CNS has the structure of open, unlimited storage capacity. In the newborn,
the CNS has in memory only hereditary reflexes, having the terminals in the
sense and locomotor organs, in all species of animals. In human beings, the
CNS continuously memory from birth to death, information in the form of
codes (language), about the environment in which they live, received from
the sense organs. The newborn is unconscious, has only instincts and when
he can speak, memorize his mother's name and begins to accumulate acquaintances.
Thus, he becomes an intelligent being, knowing what and who he is, knowing
the relationships with his family, with society, with the planet and the universe
in which he lives. Consciousness is the discovery of the "self", of the fact
that it exists, thinks, it has its own body, which it moves according to its
own will, like the others around it. This discovery is the consequence of
education, of the accumulation of information about the relations between
people and between oneself and people, about nature. Education adds to his
conscience his attitude about what is good and what is bad. In other animals,
consciousness is limited by the lack of language structure.
Language generates civilization, culture, consciousness.