Evolution of planets
The evolution of the terrestrial planet, starting with the electromagnet stage,
as formed in the belt of elements around the sun.
Evolution is the result of the interaction of centrifugal and
angular electromagnetic accelerations with the structure of the planet.
The large flow of accelerated elements from the belt into the planet,
amplifies its volume, mass, and speeds up the rotation.
The high rotation speed generates a strong magnetic field.
The sun and the planet having the same plane of rotation
have the same orientation of magnetic polarities.
The solar magnetism rejects the planet in more distant orbits, with sloped plane of rotation.
There are no random interactions in astronomy.
The sequence of the hydrogen
The planet's energy activity follows for briefly the same process as the solar activity,
that continuously generates hydrogen atoms.
The reactions that form the atoms of the elements are produced in the chromosphere,
respectively in the atmosphere of the planets.
Inside the sun and planets, in the electroide, under huge electromagnetic pressure,
the atoms "can not move", they are fixed electrical and magnetic.
Therefore, the electroide is a solid superconducting .
Becomes the logic the idea SF, that atoms in the electrode are decomposed into vectors!
In pure electric field, similar to the magnetic and electric field of waves!
Outside the electroide, the atoms absorb and emit energy:
absorbs a period of oscillation and emits two oscillators.
(energy becomes matter).
This interpretation explains the immensity of hydrogen present in the stars.
It also explains, on a small scale, the energy of nuclear explosions.
The phenomenon is officially interpreted by the "chain reaction of the neutrons".
But the source of the interpretation is the planetary atomic model, likewise questionable.
So the planet generates hydrogen atoms and in turn forms a satellite - the moon.
Similar the sun, the planet emits energy, and its activity differs from
that of the sun through the atomic structure that shortens the state of star.
The centripetal and angular electromagnetic acceleration, the radial electrical potential
and its atomic structure are factors that lead the evolution of the planet
The planet's activity is the interactions in the atmosphere.
Reactions are mainly caused by discharges of the radial electric potential.
Electric discharges occur both in the high atmosphere and underground gas bags emanating
from the incandescent substance, producing tsunamis.
The reaction products with the hydrogen are no longer expelled
but precipitating, amplifying the viscosity of the lava.
Gradually, atmospheric hydrogen embedded in precipitation
is replaced by the gasses of the slight elements: carbon, nitrogen, oxygen ...
Continuous electrical discharge and temperature decrease produce
a solid mineral structure is formed at the surface of the planet.
On this structure, deposits of hydrocarbons, gases,
water and other minerals (precipitation) are collected.
On this solid bark, easily pierced by internal pressure, develops volcanic activity
and is covered with solid substances brought from within the planet.
Biosphere sequence
The atmosphere of the planet, after accomodate hydrogen, methane and other gases, becomes
transparent to solar radiation and, along with electric discharge, organizes simple biostructures.
Biostructure is the symbiosis of functional oscillators, becoming an autonomous organism.
Biostructure is a sequence in the evolution of atomic structures
on planets whose evolution crosses this sequence.
Sequence conditions are climatic factors and base factors,
centripetal acceleration and radial electrical potential.
The radial electric potential orient the connections of the structures on radial (vertical) directions.
Under these conditions complex structures develop, which form the flora and fauna - the biosphere.
Flora becomes the environment from which the fauna develops, with balance,
with symbiosis, after which the fauna is develops to the human intelligence.
At this level, intelligence dominates the biosphere.
Though aware of its existence, the actions of intelligence destroy the conditions of its existence.
However, the evolution of the planet continues, the biosphere sequence was already limited,
the actions of intelligence only shorten it.