Interaction of light
with atoms.
Light, the optical spectrum of frequencies enters and oscillates in resonance
with the atomic spectrum of frequencies, as a source of energy. The radiation
of the atomic spectrum with the amplitude of the oscillations doubled,
color images and amplifies the chemical reactions in the mineral and organic
structures. Now, these interactions are considered "reflection of
In organic structures, resonance produces composition reactions, the
resonance energy being transformed into plant structures - photosynthesis.
In mineral structures, resonance energy is radiation dissipated in the
surrounding vector space, producing decomposition reactions, "heat".
As a result, the climate is determined by the ratio of minerals - plants,
The line spectrum of the hydrogen atom shows wavelengths closer and
closer to each other, towards the center becoming a homogeneous structure,
with zero oscillations. This structure clearly confirms the vectorial
interpretation of the hydrogen atom and clearly refutes the concept of
materialism. Human intelligence, respecting natural selection, chooses
these concepts, for the one that opens sustainable perspectives.
The spectrum of lines are oscillations of orthogonally closed vector circuits,
and constitute the vector energy density spectrum and implicitly of the
of orthogonal (electromagnetic) circuits, with zero oscillations at the
The structure is similar to the macroscopic structure of astronomical
with the difference that astronomical objects have electromagnet structures.
In the electromagnet structure, the vector circuit called electric is
surrounded by the vector circuit called magnetic, the electric circuit
being the
homogeneous core, with zero oscillations. In the structure of the hydrogen
atom, the vector circuits are closed with orthogonal symmetry and generate
each other, oscillate, generating the "spectrum of lines".
Demo Interactions: In the gas tube, vector polarized (electric),
the atoms
emit the characteristic spectra. In LED, with direct vector polarization,
the atoms emit their characteristic spectra, RGB.
The force that sets these interactions in motion are the vector properties
of existence, the attraction between opposite vector polarities.
Gravity is this force, existing in the earth's electrostatic potential.
In the demonstration here, the potential disappears at the "finger
The vector properties of existence are inaccessible to rational knowledge,
reason being their interactions, which is why we call them laws of nature.