Vector energy.
Vector forces of attraction and repulsion are the only forces of nature.
The interactions of these forces form orthogonally closed vector circuits
and define the notion of energy of nature - vector energy.
The attractive forces in orthogonally closed vector circuits centripetally
reduce the length of the circuit, becoming centripetal forces.
In orthogonally closed vector circuits, the centripetal forces compress
each other and form the solid, cold microscopic structure called hydrogen.
Vector space, vector energy, and hydrogen produced existing nature.
Energy, Gordian knot.
For the materialist conception, energy is a true Gordian knot.
Hydrogen is considered by the materialist conception, an indivisible atom,
matter and the fundamental form of nature's existence. Natural phenomena
are considered forms of manifestation of matter. Space is considered a
special form of manifestation of matter. Energy is considered the effect
of the movement of matter and scientifically, energy is a function of
Whether the movement of matter or the change in the state of matter,
movement, energy is the
effect of a force, an impulse, a form of energy.
The energy that moves matter, produces the same energy!
Although absurd, the definition of energy is still officially accepted.
To interpret the electrical phenomenon, scientists had to conceive of
material particles, electrons, in order to respect the definition of energy.
Respecting the definition of energy, electrons move orderly through the
under the action of electrical energy (an electric field) and produce
energy. Obviously and implicitly, it introduces the new notion of electronic,
electric, false current. It is the absurdity of the definition of energy.
With this interpretation, the source of the huge magnetic, galactic, stellar
planetary fields cannot be explained. (The vector circuit, "magnetic",
surrounds and orthogonally compresses the density of the vector circuit,
"electric", until it becomes a solid and cold body, the core.)
The super
absurdity of the definition is Einstein's relation: E= mc2. The
energy that
moves matter with the square of the speed c , produces the same energy!