interactions generate matter
Vector interactions consist in the exercise of the properties of vectors.
The exercise of the properties of vectors brings into existence matter
in two fundamental stadium, which make up the universe: Dynamic matter
and apparently static matter.
Dynamic matter are vector oscillators with frequencies from zero
to infinity.
It is the stage of matter perceived by the sense organs, movement, light,
heat, size, etc.
Static matter are "single atoms" with different cosmic
Singular atoms have a simple structure, consisting of two orthogonally
closed vector circuits:
A static central circuit (electroid), compressed by its own dynamic orthogonal
circuit (magnetic).
The magnetic circuit, although not static, generates only centripetal
force - kinetic energy.
The static electroide is oppose to centripetal force, constituting a huge
potential energy.
The matter is dark due to the conditions in the structure,
which break down the microscopic oscillators (the hydrogen).
The two phases of matter are organized by the same centripetal vector
The centripetal force compresses "luminous" matter (kinetic