Magnetron - reinterpretation of functioning
Magnetron is an electromagnetic device, which generates and controls centripetal forces.
The cylindrical shape and the concentric distribution of the cathode and anode, orientates electric power, existence vectors,
radial between the cathode and anode. The action of the magnetic field coaxially applied with the cathode
and anode deviates the orientation of the current around it, in "another magnetic field", as if it had been electric power.
The current taken out of the anodic circuit reoriented around the magnetic field generates centripetal force,
like electric spring and gravity. It is the main part of the device operation, which shows here the essence identity of the vectors in electricity and magnetism. The secondary part and the pursued purpose are the cavities in anode,
which interfere with the frequencies of centripetal force and their resonance are microwaves.