Fake science.
For the materialist conception, natural phenomena are forms of matter.
In the absence of logical alternatives, some phenomena are interpreted
absurdly. Thus, energy is "a function of state", the state of motion of matter.
But, the movement is produced only by the action of a force, impulse, energy.
The movement reveals that the existence of energy precedes in time the
existence of matter! Reasoning proves that energy is the fundamental form
of existence. The materialistic conception was and is a fundamental error,
which affected the evolution of the human being and implicitly of the planet,
resulting in the current state. In the absence of reason, the century-old
definition has become dogma. So, to produce electricity, the dogma had to
be applied. This is how the current of material particles, of electric charges,
was invented. Let's admit, absurdly, that electricity is a current of electrical
charges. Oersted discovered the indissoluble connection between electricity
and magnetism. In fact, Oersted discovered the vector property of orthogonality.
The magnetic field generated by the sun stretches as much as the solar system.
Obviously, the electric ring surrounded by magnetism will also be huge.
Inventing a current of electrical charges is absurd because magnetism
and electricity are vector sizes, energy. The centripetal forces of the
orthogonally closed vector circuits, exponentially raise the electromagnetic
pressure towards the center, successively changing the structure of the sun,
within a radius of 700,000 km. Materialists call the phenomenon gravitational
collapse, argued with other errors. The pressure and density of the electromagnetic
circuits compress the solid core, the electric ring without matter, at the temperature
of zero K and black color. This structure is unimaginable for the materialist
conception. Materialism cannot show the internal structure of the earth, as
shown by the analysis of the relationships between magnetism, electricity and
energy, because these phenomena are vector sizes, hidden from materialism.
Centripetal vector force and Orthogonality.
When the forces of attraction between the polarities of the vectors form a closed
circuit, another closed circuit is simultaneously formed in the orthogonal plane.
This structure is the vector property of orthogonality. Microscopically,
orthogonality produces symmetrical structures, the circuits pass through
each other's interior and form hydrogen atoms. Macroscopically, orthogonality
produces asymmetric structures, one circuit is surrounded and compressed
by the other, becoming the nucleus of cosmic bodies. The surrounded circuit
are the vector biases on Stephen Gray's wire. The surrounding vector circuit is
the magnetic circuit of Oersted. Orthogonally closed circuits are identical vector
circuits. Through the electric and magnetic topographic names, their identity was
differentiated from obscurantism. Reality cannot be manipulated at will, electricity
are the Gray vector polarizations, oriented in direction and sense, by the
orthogonal Oersted circuit. In closed vector circuits, the polarities
attract each other until they become a null vector and by default, they produce a
decrease in diameter and an increase in density and pressure. The movement
by decreasing the diameter generates the centripetal vector force.
The centripetal forces of orthogonally closed vector circuits cannot traverse
each other reciprocally and become pressure, increasing exponentially towards
the center. The center of asymmetric structures is the surrounded vector
circuit, the electric core, compressed by the surrounding vector circuit, by
the magnetic field. The magnetic circuit is surrounded and compressed by
the electric core, only on the tangent from the center of the core, forming the
magnetic axis. Basically, the assembly of magnetic circuits fixed in the
magnetic axis are closed vector circuits and open polar circuits. The density
of polar open vector circuits repel each other, curvilinearly polarizing the
vector space and close circuits at great distances, resuming the centripetal
movement. Obviously, the electric core is potential energy, maintained by
the kinetic energy, by the centripetal movement of the magnetic circuits.
So, the magnetic force is kinetic energy, generated by the centripetal
movement of the circuits, either repulsion or attraction, depending on the
orientation. Newton, being inside the centripetal force, perceived it as attraction.