Vector energy versus matter.
Vector energy is the interactions of vector properties, the fundamental form
of nature's existence. The only elementary force of nature, of energy, is the
interaction between two vector polarities, which compose, through attraction,
closed vector circuits. In closed circuits, the attraction contracts the dimensions
of the circuit towards the center, becoming centripetal compression forces
- centripetal forces. The closed vector circuit, a drawn circle is a symbol, called
by Michael Faraday a field of forces. Faraday's field is in reality vector space
oriented in a closed circuit. Vector space is the infinite extension of vector
properties, with a structure still unknown. But, with high probability, known
to other beings in the universe, which may constitute a fundamental form of
existence, much more profound. In vector space, a closed circuit
simultaneously composes another closed circuit in an orthogonal plane,
a phenomenon called the vector property of orthogonality.
Orthogonally closed vector circuits represent the first microscopic vector
structure with material form, called the hydrogen atom. The hydrogen atom is
the fundamental form of the materialist conception, considered at first indivisible.
Studying the structures of atoms, Rutherford experimentally found that atoms
have a tiny nucleus, surrounded mostly by empty space. The interactions of
vector properties have produced in vector space, the multitude of microscopic
structures, hydrogen, composing with these structures, at the macroscopic
level, orthogonally closed vector circuits, stars. By moving, the centripetal
forces "electrostatically" polarize the stellar sphere. Having vector polarizations
of the same sign, the stars repel each other. The immense pressure of the
centripetal forces causes the modification of the orientation and density of
the micro and macroscopic vector circuits in the stellar sphere. In the
photosphere and chromosphere, the pressure amplifies the kinetic energy,
radiation and massively reproduces hydrogen atoms. This activity
continuously releases radiation in the exterior and interior of the star.
Outside it emits the spectrum of frequencies and microscopic structures.
Periodically, it also reproduces macroscopic structures, successively rejected
on the trajectories, by the forces of electrostatic polarizations, forming stellar
or galactic systems, the universe. Inside the star, the exponentially increasing
pressure breaks down the vector structures, orients them and includes them
in the orthogonal stellar circuits, exponentially increasing their density, in the
form of potential energy. The materialist interpretation is limited, full of
obscurity, absurd. For the materialist conception, the starting point of the
formation of the universe is "gravitational collapse", which causes a hierarchy
of structures, giving rise to galaxy clusters, groups of stars and planets, point.
In short, the big bang explains the emergence of matter, energy, space and
time, in other words the existence of the universe, period. This theory tries to
explain why the universe is expanding, contradicts, but is based on gravity.
An imaginary conception, predominant in terrestrial civilization is the dogma
of creationism, a supernatural power, which "made" the heaven and the earth.