- The experiment was repeated
several times, but the result remained negative. Explanations followed.
Einstein simply denied the existence of ether. Lorentz acknowledges the
purely electromagnetic properties of ether, described by Maxwell. It was
known that the light was electromagnetic wave.
The interpretation of the negative result is not possible without the
interpretation of electricity and magnetism.
However, the electric and magnetic field are inexplicable in their turn.
Interpretation given by Fluen (energy fluid):
Gravity, magnetism and electricity are fluen hypostases and are characterized
by the orientation of the fluen components in direction and way (forces,
space, energy - vectors).
Gravity is the stable hypostasis - neutral field with latent forces (pairs
of vectors grouped in an anti-parallel way),
This hypostasis can be disturbed, the vectors
are oriented under various angles up to parallel, thus passing into the
magnetic and electric hypostases and so on.
Thus, electromagnetic disturbances are disturbances of the gravitational
field, the passing of the gravity hypostasis in magnetism or electricity
hypostases (unstable! oscillating!)
Such a disturbance is the travelling oscillator - the electromagnetic
It is very important to understand how the travelling oscillator propagates.
The essential properties of the oscillator, frequency, wave length and
propagation speed, are the properties of vectors:
Forces, interaction speed and the well-known phenomenon of induction (orientation
by influence).
With these properties, vectors propagate the oscillation parameters "stepping"
in a collinear way in the gravitational field, even if it has other disturbances
or hypostases.
It is the cause of the negative result in the Michelson-Morley experiment.
When traveling through the two arms, the light ray kept the oscillation
parameters invariable to the "dynamics of ether". The electromagnetic
wave was not "carried" by the ether. The ether, the gravitational
field, changes its hypostasis in the interaction with stable oscillators,
when they are material bodies in motion.
We know about the bodies found in translation or rotation motion that
they manifest inertia.
Motion induces in the gravitational field electric and magnetic hypostases
with known, but inexplicable effects:
Inertia, the gyroscopic phenomenon, the planetary phenomenon, the rotation
of the stars (black holes), galactic whirls and huge magnetic and electric
fields, all are interactions of the force of vectors - attraction and
Obviously, the gravitational field being neutral, it does not have these