The Space is self-organizing
The properties of vectorial space are the interactions - the existence.
The interactions define the vectorial properties of the space.
What we call interaction, force, it is a property of the vectorial space.
The orthogonal vectorial currents interact centripetally (Ampere's rule).
The universe are vectorial interactions, and the space and time are the consequences.
The centripetal interaction make oscillator, and the oscillators that are tied by vectorial currents
form the atoms of certain elements.
Atoms, by their structural properties are tied together by 'selection' under the form of new structures with new properties.
Every structure has its own oscillation, pulsation and existence.
This represents the evolution of the Earth up to its structure and actual properties.
The climax of this evolution is the biostructure - the Terrestrial flora and fauna.
The history of evolution is the consequence of the fact the complex structures are in fact themselves oscillations: they reproduce, they erode and they decompose - they die - they disappear.
The disappearance of the structures at planetary level, root in cosmically causes,
"life of planet" - the evolution of the organization conditions.
Naturally the living organisms adapt to new conditions, they appear and disappear together.
There are also local causes (Terrestrial) when the living organisms are destroying their living conditions themselves thus shortening the life of biostructure and also theirs.
The microscopic species destroy the evolved species, or creates other, through interactions (natural selection).
All the species are falling under the natural selection process, only the humans are promoting, paradoxically, the denaturation of their own species and their living conditions.
Solutions for restoring the structures are needed, or even the colonization of other planets.
For both solutions, the impassable obstacle are the transportation methods.
The transportation systems that don't destroy the biostructure of the planet are the spatial systems.
The centripetal interaction
The centripetal interaction are pairs of concentrically accelerating forces produced by parallel orthogonal vector currents.
Their effect is accumulated in a central spot or an axis.
In these interactions, for each force there is an equivalent opposing force.

The separation or removal of the forces on one hemisphere is not possible.
If hypothetically it would be possible, the vectorial currents from the other hemisphere would be moving the center of interaction just like thunder does.
Thus, polarization by removal/separation is not possible.
Either way, it could be used as a new propulsion system, by pulsing away the center of the forces.
In any case, the polarization of the centripetal and centrifugal interactions is the difficult part to realize.
An equivalent procedure can be shielding - The Faraday cage.
The centrifugal interaction
The functioning of centripetal interaction in alternating current produces centrifugal interactions.
Spatial Propulsion
The centripetal and centrifugal interactions are spatial propulsion forces if they are adjoined and "polarized"