Global warming, cause and effect.
The earth was originally a gaseous sphere, in continuous evolution,
now reaching the "age" of sphere with solid crust, biosphere and human civilization.
Civilization is worried that its planet is starting to have a "fever", called global warming.
Knowing the structure of the planet, we also better understand the phenomenon
of global warming. Global energy is brought by the accelerated substance into
the atmosphere. Our planet is a living structure, interactions of energy with
vector properties and relatively balanced activity. Global warming is the out
of this equilibrium, explained only by knowing how the planet works.
The earth is an electromagnet, orthogonal circuits of kinetic and potential
states of energy (magnetism and electricity). The electric circuit, now the
electroide, is the potential state of energy and the source of the magnetic field,
now the centroidal force is the kinetic state of the energy and the source of
the electroide. The magnetic field is a force, acoustically detectable force
when the polarities alternate (50 Hz). So the centroidal force, the kinetic state
of the energy (voltage U), accelerates the substance towards the electroide
and the pressure increases exponentially. When the pressure U in the
substance reaches billions of volts, all the oscillations of the kinetic energy
are decomposed into vectors induced exclusively in the density of the
orthogonal circuits of the potential energy (magnetic and electrical).
The surprise is the temperature gradient, which describes a different curve,
as an effect of the increase in pressure and which determines the variation of
the wavelengths of the substance oscillations. It follows that the velocity of
the vector oscillations is proportional to the speed of light and inversely
proportional to the pressure of the centroidal acceleration (EM). Thus, the
increase of the vector pressure U, controls the speed of the vector oscillations
(speed of light !!!), that is the spectrum of the oscillations - the temperature.
Here is the phenomenon of surprise, the control of the pressure gradient,
the voltage U, of the orientation of the atomic polarities. Apparently it's a
surprise, the phenomenon being exactly Faraday's induction. However, at the
macroscopic level the polarities of the substance are oriented in the direction
of the centroidal force circuits (electric and magnetic), until the last oscillation - 0K.
So the temperature in the center of the earth is absolutely zero. In the atmosphere,
the centroid force establishes a vertical balance of the gases naturally emitted
by the planet's activity. The substances emitted into the atmosphere by human
activity are energy, reversed by centroidal acceleration. In this way, the
centroid force is amplified, also amplifying the potential energy of the electroide
(I is directly proportional to U), respectively the temperature of the earth. The Earth's
magnetic field is kinetic energy, centroidal forceand the source of so-called
"cosmic radiation". The interactions of these huge energies with the gas emitted
into the atmosphere produce heat, through the effects of electri arc.
This phenomenon is also present in the solar atmosphere, in the corona,
where the centroidal acceleration and the solar wind, raise the temperature
to millions of Kelvin. So the source of global warming is in the "blanket" of
gases emitted by human civilization, but also gases emitted by the interaction
of solar radiation with the desertified surfaces by civilization. Human society
continues the habits of primitive society, amplified by high-performing
technical means: Social organization based on ethnicity and language, with
flags, borders and even walls, with means of defense and attack. This leads
to the formation of alliances, "only for defensive purposes." Under these
conditions, human civilization cannot stop the trend of global warming,
on the contrary, these actions and threats in human society lead
to the acceleration of the extinction of the biosphere.