Matter is exclusively
In scientific culture, energy is considered function of state, the state
motion of matter. I see in this definition a reversal between cause and
More precisely, matter is an effect, a form of the energy! Without energy
there is nothing! But scientists, convinced that energy is generated by
the motion of matter, invented electrons and their motion in conductors
(the current) to explain electricity.
Energy properties.
The interaction between two magnets explains the properties of energy.
The polarities with the same sign are rejected, those with opposite signs
are attracted. The phenomenon shows the manifestation of energy, through
concrete forces, which represent vector properties: attraction, rejection
and force.
In addition to these known properties, energy also has the vector property
of orthogonalitae (rule of the drill ) and the vector property of directivity,
the collinear attraction between vectors. The interactions of these vector
properties produce all the phenomena of nature, including the structure
of matter !!!
As an example, the elementary force with
its directivity property generates the
centripetal force and the lenticular shape of the stellar and galactic
The principle of the structure of phenomena and substance are the vector
interactions that simultaneously form orthogonally closed vector circuits
(atom, cyclone, galaxies). At the microscopic level, ephemeral interactions
are considered "elementary particles." Orthogonically closed
vector circuits,
obviously identical, can take the potential state or the kinetic state
of energy
("electric or magnetic"). The kinetic state is generated by
the directivity
property. In the closed circuits, the vectors is propagate collinear on
cords of curve segments. This propagation reducing the size of the circuit,
with the speed of light is the centripetal force. The centripetal force
proportional to the product of the pressure and density of the orthogonal
circuits (U.I) and inversely proportional to their radius. This force
and accelerates the substance centripetally, generating huge densities
pressures towards the center. The cartoon images, contribute to understand
how the interactions of vector properties produce phenomena.
Light, space, nature are interactions of vector properties.