- Galaxy (swirl) - natural cybernetic
Microscopically speaking, logically, there is no (hydrogen atom), "movement",
"displacement", in the oscillator! There is induction, polarity
propagation with "c" speed.
The translation and rotation movement occurs at macroscopic level, by
the attraction and rejection forces among atoms, association, electricity,
magnetism, circularly oriented polarities. In order to avoid confusions,
let's consider that "electric loads" (electrons, protons), are
interpretation errors!
We analyze here the vector existence, with indissolubly linked positive
and negative polarity, the unique conduct of space, electricity and magnetism,
the unique force of the universe. These vectors oriented in closed circles
exert their attraction force with "c" speed and induce the decrease
of the diameter to the minimum. In its way to the center, this electric
wave induces the orientation of polarities of the crossed gas and "activates"
another known property, rejection force between parallel polarities.
It is the phenomenon of accelerated implication of gas and "cosmic
plancton" (chromatic!), from the periphery to the center - gravity!
The body in rotation, its polarized structure, tends to rotate like a
rigid solid, therefore with linear speeds growing from the center to the
Gas implication by the electric wave from periphery to the center, from
the levels with high linear speeds, to the levels with reduced linear
speeds, is the cause of the rotational speed growth (tangential
acceleration gives stable orbits and is why meteors fall oblique)
The rotational speed and electric wave mutually amplify each other!
Therefore, gas quickly compresses and is granted a fantastic rotational
speed, unless stabilization phenomena of such process are involved.
The interaction of the electric wave with compressed gas effectively produces
electric power.
The main effects of electricity are induction of a strong magnetic field
and massive issue of photons. Both phenomena oppose to the electric wave
which produces then and "automatically" establish balance.
The rotational speed of the solar system is directly proportional to the
energy of the electric wave (entry) and inversely proportional with the
energy of issued (exit) radiations. Finding that the rotational speed
is stable, there results that the entry energy is equal to the exit energy.
Sun does neither gain nor lose energy ! It only transforms it ! - "Lavoisier"
- Comments:
- Space is considered "fixed", "passive", "void",
or with fictive existences (ether, in order to explain light propagation)
There are two phenomena which prove activity of space:
1) Gravity - property of vectors existence (of energy) to propagate.
The vectors make interaction areas with cosmic bodies in rotation and
transport energy to their centers, continuously and without oscillations,
with the "c" corresponding speed.
This is the force generating movement in the entire universe.
2) Oscillation - balance forces, of the same vectors existence.
The existence of gravity presents non-homogenous conditions for the propagation
of oscillations.
There are propagated in their turn, in the space polarities of which are
propagated, with "c" speed as well, the spectral lines travel
to the red or blue.
The displacement certifies the substance activity and quality of the space.
- Gravity represents property of vectors, of space and can be proven by
lab experiments as well:
a) ionization (electricity generation)
b) energy transportation
(accumulation at the rotation center)