Greenhouse effect
The earth is a planet detached from the solar activity, a plasma vortex, made
up of closed orthogonal, electrical and magnetic vector circuits. The internal
structure of the vortex, of the gas sphere, the same as that of the sun,
evolved forming the crust with the biosphere and the present climate.
The greenhouse effect are vector oscillations in the atmospheric vector space.
The oscillations of the vector space comprise the spectrum of frequencies
emitted by the sun. The substance of the earth includes the spectra of the atoms
in the atmospheric gas and the spectra of the atoms in the earth's crust and in
the surface of the oceans. The spectra interact with each other, being oscillations
of the same nature as the vector space. The frequencies of the spectrum
emitted by the sun resonate with the frequencies of the atomic spectrum in
the atmospheric gas and the atoms become the source of emission of their
own spectrum, to a large extent, a thermal spectrum. Therefore, solar radiation
is not reflected, but transmits energy to the atom and the atom becomes a
relay, a source of radiation. The same processes produce the other
frequencies of solar radiation that interact with the atoms of the earth's crust
and the surface of the oceans. The so-called greenhouse effect is the
radiation of the thermal spectra of the atmospheric gas and the earth's
surface, to which is added the surface of deforested forests,
in resonance with solar radiation.
Let's get to know our Planet.
Microscopic and macroscopic physical phenomena are the same.
The forces of the vector polarities of attraction and repulsion are unitary, the
same, at the friction level, at the atmospheric level and at the astronomical level.
The difference is the intensity of the interactions, the energy density -
"where there are two, the power increases". Gravity, exclusively the force
of attraction, is an erroneous interpretation, being a perception determined
from within a phenomenon of astronomical dimensions. If the law of universal
attraction were real, the planets, the universe, would not exist, due to the
lack of force of repulsion, of separation, of expansion. The force of
attraction is the property of vector polarities of opposite signs.
In open and closed vector circuits, the attraction shortens the length of the
circuit, increasing the intensity, at the speed of light. The repulsive force is
the property of vector polarities of the same sign. The repulsion reverses the
effects produced by the attraction force. These findings clearly refer to the
phenomenon of the optical telescope, beyond the characteristics of the device.
In the universe, the attractive forces from the magnetic circuits, induce in
the structure of the bodies, a positive "electrostatic" potential, at millions of
volts, called radial electric potential - REP. In the structure of bodies, the
radial electric potential, REP, is the cause of the vector force of centripetal
attraction, demonstrated by the experiment. Let's imagine, however, that
another planet with the same positive polarization approaches the earth.
Do they attract or repel each other? The sun and the earth were in this state,
the earth being repelled by the powerful solar REP. The earth was not lost in
space, it was turned out of the way by the centripetal attraction force of solar
magnetism, at aphelion greater than the solar REP. Since then, the earth
oscillates between the higher repulsive force at perhelion and the higher
attractive force at aphelion. In the universe, bodies oscillate in their orbits,
between astronomical vector attraction forces (magnetic fields)
and vector repulsion forces (REP).