Hypostases of the existence vector.
The "force" hypostasis is complex. It possesses binary, polar qualities and it evolves by combinations, from the electric and magnetic phenomena to atoms, bodies, vortex, orbit, instincts, feelings, consciousness, etc. All the forms under which we know it, are reduced to attraction or repulsion forces (composition or decomposition, good or evil, etc.)
It is not gravity which attracts bodies! Bodies "do not generate gravitational field". Bodies are "vectors in package". The gravitational field is "bulk vectors". It mediates the extension of interaction (polarity) by ordering in a series its own vectors, between the open polarities of bodies, like with the propagation of waves. The Forces with which the earth attracts the bodies, weight, are the same forces which connect atoms! Forces of open "extended" polarities (attraction thread between polarities ordered in a series).
To these is added the centripetal force of pressing, compression, of the electric field, induced in the gravitational field by its rotation movement. How?
The body found in rotation movement "winds the extended threads of polarities" (like the arms of galaxies) and forms an electric field closed around itself, that propagates towards the center with velocity "c"!
It gives the centripetal force which accelerates rotation and curves the "linear" movement of planets, by means of the vectorial composition of the two fields - the orbit.
Other hypostases: The polarities of particles on the surface of a body found in motion, induce the orientation of the vectors of the gravitational field in the direction of linear or circular movement, in the electrical hypostasis, and the magnetic hypostasis in transversal plane. It is the inertial movement. Effects: 1) Conservation of motion (of the orientation of the electric field). 2) If an external force modifies the motion of the body, the electric field resists by means of its reaction force (modification of the orientation density - of the field density). 3) In the case of circular motion, the same reaction force resists the inclination of the rotation axis, adding a new component to the motion - precession. The new component can be stable, or it can oscillate in the plane of inclination of the rotation axis - nutation. These phenomena are dependent on the properties of the environment, of the body and on the parameters of motion. They are interactions with "the motion of motion" and have specific effects (reflection, the Doppler effect, migration of poles).