The origin of the universe
Existence is energy with vector properties.
At the origin of the universe are the interactions of vector properties,
transposed in orthogonally closed circuits, which give real shape to these
circuits, called hydrogen atom (matter). With hydrogen atoms, the
interactions of vector properties of energy developed what we call space,
force field, stars, galactic systems, stellar systems - the universe.
The evolution of the development of these vector structures, of the universe,
is the measure called time. The form of organization of the bodies of the
universe are interactions of the kinetic and potential energy, transposed in
closed orthogonal circuits - electromagnets. The density of the kinetic
(magnetic) energy varies with the radius and composes, by compressing the
density of the oriented vectors, the potential (electrical) state. The kinetic
and potential states continuously and simultaneously compose each other
with the speed of light, constituting a functional unit - an electromagnet.
The magnetic circuit being kinetic energy compresses the substance, which
emits optical vector oscillations, propagated omnidirectionally in the vector space.
The potential (electrical) circuit has no oscillations (0K), but is visible as a
dark object, due to the huge density of oriented vectors. This functional
structure (electromagnet) represents the model of astronomical objects, with
reproduction capacity. The structure of astronomical objects presents a
spectrum of the kinetic energy density, with maxima in the plasma layer and
minima at the extremities (center and periphery). The astronomical
electromagnet, the orientation of its electric and magnetic field, propagates
in vector space, over great distances. The field being orthogonally closed
electric and magnetic circuits, generates centripetal electromagnetic forces.
Centripetal forces polarize, accelerate and spherically compress hydrogen atoms.
Thus, the increase in gas density and pressure amplifies the density of
oscillations, of kinetic energy, to a maximum limit called temperature.
Electromagnetic forces continuously increase the pressure, which attenuates
the density of oscillations, therefore of kinetic energy (of temperature). Kinetic
energy is thus converted into potential energy in the 0K temperature electrode.
The essence and effect of energy.
Existence is energy with vector properties.
The essence of energy are the properties of vectors, unrecognizable.
The effect of energy is the universe, astronomical objects with structures
formed from the interactions of vector properties. Astronomical objects are
seen as mere spheres of incandescent gas. But, inside, they are functionally
organized, by orthogonally closed vector circuits, like electromagnets with
the ability to reproduce by electromagnetic induction.
A large star ejects successive amounts of substrain in the equatorial plane,
in which they induce star structures, forming galaxy arms.
A star in the arms of the galaxy ejects successive amounts of substance in
the equatorial plane, in which they induce planet structures, forming star systems
A planet in the star system removes successive amounts of substance in the equatorial
plane, in which they induce structures with orthogonal circuits, forming satellites.
Obviously, the reproduced objects, with the magnetism induced by the strong
magnetism of the mother object, evolve in orbits under the control of its
centripetal forces. So, the earth, the sun, the stars and the galaxies have at
their center an electroide, a huge electric ring with a temperature of zero K,
the source of their immense magnetic fields. It doesn't matter who thinks that.
It is very important who understands scientifically the electromagnetic phenomenon...