The electric current into rarefied gas
The vacuum tube - valuable experimental device.
Connected to a source of current, the tube contacts are open, like reinforcements of a condenser.
Therefore, electric polarities appear on contacts with the intensity of the potential of the feeding source.
If the potential increases, the electric polarities unify in parallel currents and close the circuit.
Around closed polarities, there appears orthogonal (magnetic) current
and triggers the centripetal interaction (condensers explode).
The electric and magnetic field, being vectorial space, electromagnetic interactions are vectorial intraction.
If there are rarefied gases in the tub, their polarities are stringed up on vectorial currents,
like breads and are accelerated in the axis of the interaction.
In the axis of interaction, the atoms crossed by the currents, release visible oscillations.
The axis, being effect of centripetal vectorial interaction (electromagnetic),
interact obviously, with the corresponding external actions, with or without gas into tube.