Past or future.
The vectorial interpretation of matter fundamentally changes the scalar interpretation,
from Democritus to Dalton and JJ Thomson.
Democritus' idea has evolved since then,
matter decomposes into energy with vector properties (mc2).
Vector properties:
Properties of vectors: sense, force, direction and orthogonality.
Sense: vectors have two polarities, denoted by plus and minus signs.
The force: the polarities of vectors with opposite signs is each other attracting,
those with the same sign is each other rejecting.
Direction: the vectors is each other attract with the maximum force, on collinear directions.
When the direction is a curve, the vectors is each other attract
on the straightest path, on of the curve rope.
When the curve is a circle, the vectors is each other attract on successive cords,
forming successively smaller circles, towards a common center.
This phenomenon is the centripetal force, inversely proportional to the distance.
Other effects of direction property
Stellar magnetic poles are open, parallel and same sense vector circuits.
Coming out of the electroide, with enormous pressures and
densities, they also have huge kinetic energy.
Sometimes the polarities blow plasma jets, which show linear directions and radial dispersion.
Radial dispersion must be the force that lenticularly order the substance of the system.
Orthogonality: when a vectorial circuit closes, another identical circuit closes orthogonally.
Functionally, circuits are called electrical and magnetic circuits.
The sense of the circuits is known as the drill rule.
This phenomenon is the orthogonality property of vectors.
The Magnetic field forces.
Permanent magnets have a structure of molecular electromagnets
of the iron oxide, oriented mainly on a dipole direction.
Thus, by cutting the magnet, smaller magnets result.
Heated above a certain temperature, the polarities of the magnet disappear,
like do the electrical polarities in the Seebeck effect.
The magnetic field are closed and open vector circuits, which exert their vectorial properties.
Open circuits exert the property of the force of attraction or repulsion.
Closed circuits exert property of the force of attraction
on collinear directions, generating centripetal force.
The magnetic field polarizes ferromagnetic objects and accelerates them centripetally.
Therefore, the forces of the magnetic field
consist in the interactions of energy with vector properties.
Matter is energy with vector properties.
The interactions of vector properties are spirit, the bonds that yield the form of the energy.
So, the spirit transposes the interactions of the vector properties
in the state of organism, of matter - atoms; stars; galaxies (the inverse of Democritus' idea).
Therefore, the fluenic atom is spirit and matter in constant motion.
There can be no matter without spirit and no spirit without matter.
The essence of vector properties is inaccessible to the kognition.
It is absurd to assume, like Einstein, that in non-existence. there are other universes.
