Let’s imagine a known experiment. In a vacuum precincts we analyze the behaviours of the phenomenon that interests us fig.19. We know, that under these conditions, the electric and magnetic phenomenon, respectively the electric and magnetic field manifest themselves. That means, they interact. As well, the gravitational phenomenon, the light radiation with all its spectra etc. A part of these phenomenon, such as the field generated by a permanent magnet or by an static electrified body, does have no fluctuations in time, but has a direction and orientation direction. Thus, in each point of this precincts, these fields present exact information, at first about direction and sense of direction. The electromagnetic waves revealed by the equations of Maxwell, are changes of the direction of the two fields, electrical and magnetical one, that changes their direction and sense of direction with a certain repetition in time, with a certain frequency, that characterizes them. The aspects given by this experiment might be regarded otherwise, the way Maxwell even said.
That means, all phenomenon observed in the vacuum precincts to have as support a single type of field.
This must be identified by this experiment, where we met the previous suppositions, starting from the ether of Aritstotel, ether light carrier, cosmic ether of Newton and the electromagnetic ether.
Not the name is important, but the common angle of regarding this phenomenon and all properties that join it.
That means that, to each type of electric, magnetic, electromagnetic, gravitational, etc. field, there belongs a "specific space arrangement" of the components of this common field, that presents the real and material properties. Or, let’s better clarify the reasoning.
The thunder of clouds, a tempest, the whisper of waters, the trill of the birds do not generate air, they are phenomenon that disturb, modulate the atmospheric gas. As well, the field generated by the test bodies isn’t a field! It is a disturbance, a modulation of an unknown field. Newton names it spirit, Maxwell names it common field.
The field mustn’t be generated, it exists.
Let’s try to spotlight the properties of this common field, from the common properties of the phenomenon in the vacuum precincts.
1.                       the orientation in direction and sense.
2.                       the arranging in closed circles.
3.                       The speed of the orientations´ spread „c".
4.                       The energy of transmission.
5.                       Is a universal field.
  We named this field ENERGETICAL FLUID and shortened „FLUEN". Fluen, or the energetical fluid, because it can´t send energy, beneath other information that it might send by the interference of the orientation of the components of the field, that might be imagined as small vectors, with the shown properties. Einstein says that matter might be transformed into energy. Once this energy liberated, what happens with the matter, with the initial material mass?
Let´s take the example of the phenomenon of anihilation between an electron and a positron fig.20. The mutual anihilation liberates energy, recovered in the interference of the electromagnetic field, respectively of the fluen. As a result of this reaction, the two particles vanished. They vanished as form, but transformed themselves into field.
This field, that we suppose as being fluen, must be a state of the matter´s existence, the phenomenon occurs reverse, thus the fifth state of aggregation of the matter and probably the most spread in the universe. From here one might draw another property of this field, a permanent relation with the other states of the matter‘s aggregation. Synthesizing, in the vacumm precincts, all phenomenon that manifest themselves, might be considered as HYPOSTASIS OF FLUEN.
The electric field, the magnetic, gravitational, electromagnetic field, might be interpreted as specific ways of spatial orientation or interference of fluen. But, neither of these fields or phenomenon does not exist as such, naturally, but they are induced, printed by a „mould", that is the matter situated in the other states of aggregation, solid, liquid, etc. The solid matter, for example, has the property according to its structure to induce the orientation of fluen in the hypostasis of electric, magnetic, gravitational field, or all together. It means that, in the vacuum precincts, before the introduction of the test bodies, we already had a way of orientation of fluen, printed by the properties of the walls the precinct is built of. Fig. 20b.
Being given the fact that fluen belongs to the universe, as a form of the matter´s existence in the field state, as well as the other matter’s states of aggregations, it is drawn the supposition that matter, elementary particles, do have something in common with this field, or why not, are even a form of the fluen´s manifestation Fig. 20c.
The idea isn´t quiet so new, as we know, Faraday has shown about the electric and magnetic field, the conclusion that they are material entities and the energy of these fields consists in the property of the electromagnetic ethers´ deformation.
In 1897 J.J. Thomson in the experiment of establishing the ratio of the electric charge and the mass of the electron, he remarked that the electric charge has inertia due to the electromagnetic field, that it herself produces it and managed to reckon the „electromagnetic mass" of each charged sphere, concluding that this mass varies with the speed.
At the same time, J. Larmor considers the „possibility that the mass of any material body isn´t anything else as the electromagnetic mass."
Louis de Broglie (1925) conceives the material particle as a package of special waves, that do not spread in the space.
We recall, as well, Einstein with the famous equivalence E = mc2.
All these aspects and much more justify us to encourage this hypothesis. Now, the problem is how there might be ordered the constituents of fluen, in order to give the form of a nucleon and for granting all proven properties fig.21.
Between the fundamental properties of the nucleon, we situate the stability in the first row, then the capacity of being bound together in order to form the atomic nucleus and the other properties.
 From geometrical point of view, the form might be:
o  spherical;
o  discoidal;
o  toroidal.
The form that must be in fact, a logic relation between the properties of nucleon and the properties of fluen that form it. The spherical form doesn´t justify this logic, there can´t be imagined a ball of vectors that have the properties of the nucleon and the properties of fluen at the same time, reason why it annuls theoretical and practical this form. The discoidal form supposes a rotation movement in the fluenic field, including a permanent energy consumption, beneath the deficiencies of the spherical form.
To the toroidal form there might be spoken about the compatibility with the properties of fluen, considering it ordered in closed circles once along the core, equatorial and once again through the inner part of the core, that is polar.
These two possible orientations of fluen or a joint of them might offer to the nucleon properties that are bound to the polarity, but doesn´t justify the great stableness and the property of association inside the nucleus.
The way fluen closes under toroidal form, the properties of fluen lead to another interpretation of the nucleon´s form, formed of two cores that pass one through the inner part of the other fig. 22a.
One might name this form, „coupled orientation of fluen", by observing that the orientation of a core is conserved from the other one. The properties of this nucleon, reported to the properties of fluen aren´t only compatible, but they become even naturale, coherent. The form, the dimensions and the profile of this nucleon must be also imposed by the properties of fluen.
Analyzing the form, we remark that each core has a part situated in the inner of the other one and other part situated at the exterior. The part at the exterior has the tendency to unfurl around the other core, but it can expand only on half of its circumference, because the other core has the same tendency, so that each shall wrap half of the other one fig.23a.
The configuration of this nucleon must present four poles, or four zones where there can be attached other fluenic formations, situated at the entrance or exit of the two imaginary axes that might stretch the two cores. On one of the axis there appear simple polarities, that means a common sense of entrance and another one for the exit, during while on the other axis, the polarities are composed. This could make that the axis aren´t strictly perpendicular one to another. The outline how it is understood from the properties of fluen, might not be limited or appreciated with another size fig.23b. So, for example, how neither of the areas of the magnetic field printed by a permanent magnet, doesn´t present a size or an outline. There might be traced an infinity of outlines, on different levels, which, from the point of view of fluen‘s orientation in these sections, must present variations as the form, as well as the power of interaction. This might be the cause for the force that must be overcome by the two nucleons or two atoms at the fusion reaction. At the polarity of the nucleon participate both cores, thus, the orientation of fluen at each simple pole must be under a vertical form, in the way there participates each core to
the building of these poles. This might be also the powerful communicating bridges between the nucleons of a nucleus, but also the same poles might be placed where there might be formed and kept all secondary cores that might be exactly the electrons.
If the electrons are identified with simple fluenic cores, then they can´t be stable only in movement, or attached to nucleons.
It might be remarked that such an electron has also negative and positive polarity, the manifestation of one or the other polarity being according to the sense of movement and to the potential of attraction or acceleration.
Such an electron-ring surface is maintained attached to a nucleon, by polar central forces as attraction forces.
The position of balance might be kept by the ratio between this force of attraction and the forces of repulsion between the cores of the elctron and the extremities of the cores of the nucleons, to that it has the tendency to approach, as forces of fluen with the same sense of orientation fig.22c. The movement of the electron in this situation, being oscillation of apporach or of distance to the nucleon. This should follow to be the image of hydrogen‘s atom fig.22b. The electromagnetic radiations being disturbances of orientation of the fluen, the nucleon, as well as the electron, might be influenced by these disturbances, establishing the increase of the amplitude of the electron´s movement, or even its separation from the nucleon. At their turn, the oscillations of the electron might modulate the surrounding fluen. Under this vision, the radiation and the absorption of the fluenic disturbances, of the radiations, get a physical meaning in the classic mechanics, as well as in the quantical and undulatory mechanics.
These disturbances might be the transmission, step by step, of information regarding the arrangement on a certain direction of fluen. A possible explanation of the limitation of the light´s speed. The elementary particles, with all the range under that they present themselves, must be the result of the degradation of basic fluenic formations, respectively the nucleon and the electron, or effects of their interaction with the fluen. By fluenic formation we understand a concentration of the fluenic directioned field, the coupled orientation granting the stability and the state of „beam". Logically, the coupled orientation doesn´t allow to such a formation „sublimation", the quiet passing in the field state, but at first it shall pass through the state of „radiation", either for a very small fraction of time, the process being a teasing „unpacking" or a functional transformation. The great number of elementary particles registered is explained by the fact that analysis of the elementary particles is done by destruction, bombing of nuclei by accelerated particles at very big speeds and then the detection and identification of fragments fig.18. Under these conditions „the particles" should be divided in the two big groups, one with toroidal formations, that are deviated in the magnetic field and another genuine undulatory, with different wave lengths.
The unified nucleons, in order to form a nucleus, might occupy a place at the inner part of the nucleus – that means all four points of connection are established with the nucleons of the nucleus (neutron) – or at the surface of the nucleus, when there still remain one or two points of connection available for binding other atoms (protons) or to keep an electron fig.24. These points might keep the name of „electric charges", but in this vision, the electron contains negative charge, as well as positive one, that means face and back.
The fact that the electron is negative, shows on one part that only one polarity of the nucleon has the feature to form and keep a secondary core – the electron – while on the other part, that the interaction with the magnetic field might not spotlight the electron only from the „back", the other sense being its sinking in the nucleon, while during the movement it „slides" on the field lines, keeping its position. Regarding the atom from this point of view, it is clear that the number of connection points remained available on the atom´s surface, respectively the one of the nucleus, that might together with other atoms form a network, are according to the number of nucleons that enter into the composition of the respective atom and the way of arrangement into the nucleus. <Is the logic and the arrangement with a central cavity>. The localization of the connection points on the surface of the atom shall be certainly, suitable for each element, that explains the specific chemical space connections. The intuitive explanation of the positional stableness of the connection points, offered by this model, brings light on the chemical and physical properties of the elements and their compounds.
A fluenic formation directs the surrounding fluen to infinite fig.25.
A body, meaning a lot of fluenic formations shall direct the surrounding fluen, according to the direction and the sense of movement.
The change of the dynamic state of the body, acceleration, braking, change of sense or of direction, change of place or movement, induces the change of the fluen´s orientation. Any movement in fluen´s orientation, it was said, means energy.
A body put into movement, „deposits" the energy in the surrounding fluen, under the form of its orientation in the direction and sense of movement, as a guide for the change of place – inetia.The impulse obtained by the body was transfered to the fluen, that shall conserve movement. Movement – inertia; inertia – movement? (phenomenon might be reversible!)
We are situated on the „ground" of the first dynamic law. The quantity of movement in this case, is situated in the longitudinal orientation of the surrounding fluen fig.26. A change of the direction means the change of fluen´s orientation, another force, another „deposit" in a new direction.
In the rotation movement the longitudinal orientation of fluen is replaced by the orientation of the field controlled by it. The form is different, the fund of the phenomenon remains the same.
In the case of the solar system fig.28, the circular movement of sun, with circular arrangement of the field controlled by it, curves also the guides of the change of place situated in the rotation plan. The orbital of each planet being the result of permanently joining the effects of the two types of movement and arrangement for fluen.
The movement of the planets might be considered in this interpretation, as linear interial movements.
The fact that the planets doesn´t describe the circular tracks, might show on one side that the actual state is only a sequence along the series of transformations of the matter and thus of the solar system, while the other part shows that there exists an evolution,
from circular orbital in the equatorial plan (rings), that means the buckling in the form of circle for the guide of changing place, as a start to the formation of the planet and to the elyptical orbitals very elongated, with big deviations from the equatorial plan, having as limitation the definitive breaking of the interaction (comets).


The hypothesis is presented in a gross form, without too much comments, but with enough arguments, in order to be regarded the same with the planetary atomic, vectorial and universal models. I say the same, considering it simply the HYPOTHESIS, a point of view, a little different to others, but this mustn´t lead to the conclusion that the other hypothesis and especially the laws of the physics are ignored. Of course, the novelty of this hypothesis shall attract in a first stage real thunders of criticism, for annuling it from the beginning. I consider this attitude even necessary, in order to invite to meditation and experiment, for the waste of some uncertainties that have been accumulated in this field. I believe that the hypothesis shall protect herself single, by its simplicity and coherence and shall lead to the second stage, where there shall be tested the implications on fields of speciality, after that it shall be reconsidered and completed with new interpretations. In case that somebody accepts an idea, a „slice" of this paper, then, sooner or later he shall agree with the whole. I expect from this hypothesis, practical realizations especially from the interpretation of vacuum, in the instrumental of the activity of research, I think at a gauge of information about elementary particles or at applications even revolutionary in the field of transport. I do also expect positive implications in the field of electrotechnical materials and generally of the matter‘s structures.
