Cosmic phenomena are vector interactions (EM)
In the universe we find real astronomical phenomena, which we understand or not:
Space, time, stars that produce energy, gravity, whirlpool.
The misunderstanding is in the primitive concept of electricity (and force).
Electricity are the properties of vectors, the foundation of existence!
Existence has vector properties.
Vector properties produce centripetal interactions.
Centrifugal interactions generate space, time and forms, matter.

The stars, existence - total EM
Centrifuge acceleration (gravity) generates radial electric potential - REP.
REP activity transforms the radial electrical potential into EM oscillations (energy),
with high frequencies towards the center and small upwards (protuberances) and emits EM radiation.
REP is vertically oriented, with the plus up and minus at the center.
REP interactions are electric currents oriented perpendicular to the magnetic field!
The EM force between the REP currents and the magnetic field is inevitable!
So between the REP currents and the magnetic field two EM forces are produced: F1 and F2.
F1 acts on the magnetic field, solidarity with the substance and produces rotation - angular acceleration.
Angular acceleration is the same phenomenon as centripetal acceleration e = g and w = c.
F2 curves and unites the REP flashes in common circuits around the axis of rotation,
which propagates at the speed of light toward the center of the sphere (EM centripetal interaction).
It follows that REP through F1 produces a whirl, and through F2 generates currents around the sphere
(and in the sphere) - EM centripetal force.
The acceleration EM centripet "g" and the angular acceleration "e" are generated each other!
Acceleration "g" increases with latitude, proportionally increases acceleration "e".
Hence the graph of the angular acceleration "e" and the explanation of the Coriolis effect.
Consequences of EM centripetal interaction:
1) Three dimensional space: Dimensions, volume of interaction.
2) Time: the measure of the unidirectional succession of the interaction.
3) Spherical shape: interaction with the substance.
4) Vortex: Interaction of the radial electric potential with magnetism!
Star engine
REP interaction with magnetism produces EM (F1 and F2) forces.
Forces F1 and F2 are perpetual and generate each specific effect.
The magnetic field solidarity with the substance, driven by F1, produces the rotation of the substance.
F2 curves and unites the REP flames in a common circuit around the axis of rotation,
which propagates at the speed of light toward the center of the sphere (EM centripetal interaction).
Probably the electrical conductivity of pulsars allows incredible speeds of rotation!
The cause of the astronomical vortex
Magnetism and the electric field around a star produce EM centripetal force,
which spherically compresses the substance.
Centrifuge acceleration produces pressure and electrical polarization sphere - REP.
The orientation of the REP and piezoelectric polarities have the common pressure.
REP, oriented perpendicular to the magnetic field, produces EM forces (F1 and F2).
Force F1 produces the magnetic field of vortex motion.
Force F2 unifies the REP currents (lightning) around the axis of rotation, which produces a magnetic field,
and the phenomenon repeats perpetually.
The circular sequence of electromagnetic phenomena
Electromagnetism => centripetal acceleration g => REP => angular acceleration e =>
electromagnetism => centripetal acceleration g => REP => angular acceleration e =>...