Characteristics of astronomical objects
Astronomical objects are characterized by the presence of centripetal acceleration (gravity) and rotational motion (vortex).
These phenomena are accompany huge magnetic fields.
Can we suspect the existence of a connection between these three phenomena?
Of course, the existence of magnetism shows the existence of electricity.
Here is the "hinder" that drives us to understand the possible connections.
Electricity and magnetism produce electromagnetic force, precisely the centripetal acceleration and angular acceleration ... "electricity is missing".
The brake is therefore the interpretation of electricity through corpuscular theory, scalar (voltage, current and resistance).
By comparison, the vector's interpretation of electricity, voltage, resistance and current,
opens the way for understanding the phenomena.
Electricity vectorially interpreted
ES potential (electrostatic)

The simplest ES polarization of the substance is the electric pendulum with the positive oriented of vectors outward,
positive polarization or, with the negative of vectors orientations outward, negative polarization.
Substances can be polarized with both vector polarities, minus one side and plus on the other side, forming an ES dipole, which can be graphically represented by a vector, an arrow.
The successive dipolar polarization of the substance, constitutes an ES potential.
The ES potential is a source of electricity, see the electrostatic cell made by Alessandro Volta in 1800.
EM potential.
By joining the ES potential (short circuit) terminals,
the opposite sign vector polarizations of the atoms unite and form a closed circuit.
Magnetism surrounding the polarization of atoms is now the magnetic field of the circuit, which bridges the EM force
(as the Ampere rule shows), moving more and more polarities under pressure into the central axis.
Magnetism with oriented polarities is the electromagnetic potential of the circuit, with autonomy (current and magnetism amplifying each other) and the force of propagating the orientation of polarities in the electric arc - lightning.
Networks and electrical circuits are technical ways to control and use the electric arc.
The universe has the same ways of use, but at astronomical level.
EElectrical resistance is the force of those atomic polarities, with which they oppose the action of the magnetic field,
to change their orientation.
The change of orientation is done by breaking the electric currents of valence,
with thermal effect by electric arc at atomic level (filament bulb incandescent).
The electrical current is the charge and discharge of the conductor with oriented polarities,
similar with the electrical battery.
The battery has a high remanence, the conductor has zero retention (c).
The electric current intensity represents the oriented polarity density in the same direction (in section).
Electricity are vector interactions and is produced at the speed of light.