Scientific dogmas.
The earth is one of the small stars, reproduced by the sun and become planets.
The earth is currently developing the sequence of existence of the biosphere,
of human beings. We deduce that the older planet Mars has already passed
the biosphere sequence. The evolution of our planet, viewed in relation to
the current state, clearly shows the destructive actions of human beings on
the planetary biosphere. Ignoring the knowledge of the planet, of natural
phenomena, people preferred the development of living conditions, grandiosity,
entertainment, pleasures, wealth. They cleared the forests to build towns,
with stadiums, places of worship, shops, roads, etc. Now people fear climate
change, social upheavals and wars, as a way to the end of the world.
Discrediting science.
The reason is the increase of the population and the reduction of the conditions
necessary for life. This is the consequence of the stupid conception,
according to which a supernatural power, imagined as man, as king, as
emperor with a scepter and gilded clothes, made the "the sky" and the earth,
given over to mankind, for eternity, with commandment to multiply!
The dogmatics of this conception imposes faith on people from birth,
through baptism rituals, services, celebrations, miracles, life after death, etc.
With these dogmas, the cults led and are leading the world, to calamity.
Cults rejected natural selection, invoking empathy, the right to life.
As a result, the multiplication of beings with disabilities has become a burden
for the entire society. The political (materialist) power tolerates the activity
of the cults, being interested in the manipulation of the population:
"go to war and you will arrive straight to heaven".
The materialist conception considers that the earth is simply matter
compressed by "gravity", in other words, development cannot affect the
biosphere or the climate. In reality, planets and stars are functional
structures, orthogonally closed electric and magnetic circuits.
These circuits are energy, they are not matter!
The materialistic definition of energy: energy is a function of state, of the
movement of matter, an absurdity! As a result, in order to produce
electricity, there had to be particles of matter in motion. The name of these
material particles, electrons, was invented first to carry an electric charge,
a single negative polarity (another absurdity). Polarities are considered
"properties that indicate the direction of movement through conductors"
to produce electricity! Although, vector polarities are indissoluble!
So, does electric energy (field) move electrons and produce electricity?
In summary, they were invented: the definition of energy, the current of
electrical charges and the independence of vector polarities.
These inventions discredit the dignity of scientists. Materialism does not see
the energy of vector polarities, although they produce interactions of
attraction and repulsion - energy. The magnetic field is also energy and if
you cut a magnet to separate the north pole, you get two magnets, each with
two poles. In 1924, Louis de Broglie created a crack in the materialist
conception. A century has passed and the notions of electron
and electric current have remained unshaken dogmas.
The vector property of orthogonality.
The microscopic and macroscopic structures of the universe, called matter,
are interactions of orthogonally closed vector circuits - ENERGY.
The orthogonally closed vector circuits, called electric and magnetic, orient
their direction of polarities, only through the center of the other circuit.
This is the property of orthogonality, interpreted as the rule of the right hand,
the left hand, the corkscrew, etc.
Centripetal force.
The magnetic needle detects around the earth, the existence of a magnetic field
and implicitly, the existence of an orthogonal closed electric circuit - an
electromagnet. Open circuits from magnetic poles having the same direction
repel each other, the direction of propagation in the vector space continuously
deviates, until they close at great distances, under a lenticular shape.
The forces of vector attraction in closed vector circuits shorten the length
of the circuits, the density increases, generating centripetal forces.
Electric core and the ice caps.
The magnetic field is kinetic energy, determined by the continuous centripetal
movement of the circuits. The symmetry of the lenticular shape of the
magnetic field demonstrates that the forces of the vector polarities of
attraction in the circuit, although they produce centripetal forces, do not
produce the rotation of the north-south circuits. The pressure of centripetal
forces successively generates concentric thermal layers. First it increases to
a maximum, then it decreases to zero Kelvin in the electrical circuit, through
the conversion of energy from the kinetic state to the potential state.
The centripetal forces of the orthogonally closed vector circuits, electric and
magnetic, gather and spherically compress the microscopic structures of the
vector space, the substance, forming a gaseous body, a star. The pressure of
centripetal forces increasing towards the center transforms the gaseous sphere
into a solid body and the star becomes a planet. Towards the center, the
pressure of the centripetal forces increases exponentially and the field state,
of vector space from the orthogonal circuit, becomes a solid electric core.
The pressure in the electric core is so great that the oriented vector polarities
become exclusive, in the structure of the electric circuit, even the centripetal
forces of the magnetic circuits can no longer penetrate. The same
exclusivity produces the electric circuit in the magnetic axis, where the
electric and magnetic circuits are perfectly delimited - black hole.
In the polar areas, the pressure of the centripetal forces being lower expands,
eliminating gas jets with the low temperatures of the magnetic axis.
Material conductivity.
In the materialistic conception, electrical energy is a transport of material
particles, charged with positive or negative polarities, electric charges,
called electric current. The metal wire is the "channel" through which the
electric charge current flows. Interpretation is a dogma, deeply enshrined in
the culture of civilization. The application of the dogma is empirical,
the real phenomena being unknown interactions.
Vector conductivity.
The vectorial conductivity transmits energy by the simple orientation in the
direction and sense of the open atomic polarities, successively closed by the
forces of attraction. Structures made of elements without open polarities
have no conductivity. The level of density of open polarities is the quantity
called resistance. Vector conductivity being energy, always closes orthogonal
vector circuits, called electric and magnetic. Magnetism is the centripetal
force that orthogonally presses the orientation of the atomic polarities,
the phenomenon called propagation. The pressure (tension) of magnetic
centripetal forces breaks the bonds of atoms with an electric arc and orients
their polarities, producing spectra of oscillations, heat.
The scale of forms of existence
Detectable vector properties are the fundamental form of existence,
called vector space. The interactions of the vector properties of the vector
space is the form called energy, which compose orthogonally closed vector
circuits. Orthogonally closed vector circuits is the structure called atom, matter.
In the atom, the energy has the kinetic, thermal state, called the frequency
spectrum, and the potential energy state, called the nucleus, thermal,
absolute zero. The circuits of orthogonally closed atomic polarities is the
structure called a star. The star has the kinetic state of energy, called
magnetic field, the thermal state called plasma and the potential state of
energy called electric core, thermal 0K. When the atoms of the stellar
plasma lose their frequency spectra, the star becomes a solid body, a planet.
The balance between the kinetic and potential state forms the mineral structure
of the planet, from which organic structures, the plant kingdom, evolve.
The plant kingdom produces the structure of the atmosphere called climate.
The climate, the plant kingdom and the water circuit, develop parasites, the
animal kingdom. From the animal kingdom, human beings have exploited
plant, animal and mineral resources until exhaustion.
The jump in the complexity of the vector structures, from the mineral level
to the organic level, was the effect of the star-planet actions, which stimulated
the exchange of substances in the mineral structures, called photosynthesis.
The evolution of these structures, called organic, formed the vegetable
kingdom. Photosynthesis changed the structure of the atmosphere, which
became the biosphere, the climate. Climate, consisting of the mineral
structure, electromagnetic pressure, temperature, the hydrological cycle and
the variations caused by the rotation of the planet. Deviations from this balance
produce climate change. The beneficial climate for the biosphere is in the
very thin atmospheric layer, from the surface of the planet. Obviously,
magnetism is dependent on the potential energy of the electric ring.
The effects of the heating of the electric core are the decrease of the intensity
of the magnetic field, the melting of the ice caps and the global warming.
As a result, the earth loses its biosphere faster.