Existence is energy with vector properties discovered in non-contact
interaction between bodies, that is, precisely intermediated of vector
properties, called energy. The energy of interaction are extensions of the
energy of bodies. The reasoning denotes that both the bodies and the space
between them are energy with vector properties.
The universe consists of three-dimensional structures of energy interactions
with vector properties, called matter.
Matter are orthogonal structures of energy, detectable by the sense organs.
The vector properties of energy are perceived by reason.
Properties of vectors, ascertained:
sense, force, direction and orthogonality.
Sense: a vector has two indissoluble polarities, denoted by plus and minus signs.
Force: the polarities of vectors with opposite signs attract each other,
the with the same sign repel each other.
Direction: the vectors are attracted with maximum force, on the collinear direction.
When the direction is a curve, the vectors is attract on the shortest path, on
the curve chord. When the curve is a circle, the vectors is attract on successive
chord, forming successively smaller circles, towards a common center.
This phenomenon is centripetal force ("gravity").
The effects of direction property:
Stellar magnetic poles are open vector circuits with the same sense. They
come out of the electroide with enormous pressures and densities and huge
kinetic energy. Polarities blow jets of radially dispersed substance. Radial
dispersion presses the substance of the system into a lenticular shape. At the
poles, the dispersion of the substance decreases the density of radiation (temperature).
Orthogonality: when a vectorial circuit closes, another identical circuit closes
orthogonally. Functionally, circuits are called electrical and magnetic circuits.
The orientation sense of the circuits is known as rule of the drill.
This phenomenon is the orthogonality property of vectors.
Orthogonal circuits induce each other and alternately the kinetic and
potential state of energy, forming double-torr oscillators - hydrogen atoms.
Vector properties have become matter - hydrogen atoms.
The orthogonality property is the vectorially binder of the microscopic
and macroscopic structures of energy - the existence of the universe.
At the level of current knowledge it is considered that the universe to exists in matter form.
And that energy is a concept used to understand physical and chemical processes.
Definition: Energy is the scalar measure of the motion of matter.
This is just one of the definitions of energy, due to the diversity of forms of
energy transfer, each with its own form of energy. Thus, the existence of energy
is considered ephemeral. This definition determined the "elaboration" of the
interpretation of the electrical phenomenon and of quantum mechanics.
Obviously, all definitions of energy are erroneous, as are their applications.
The mistake is not of some people! The error is entirely of civilization !!!
In reality it is ascertain that energy is not a function of the state of matter,
but conversely, matter is a function of the state of energy. Energy exists in the
state of field (vector field) and in the state of orthogonal, three-dimensional
structures of vector interactions - in the state named matter.
Therefore not the matter is the genesis of nature but energy with vector properties.
Without energy matter does not exist, but energy with vector properties
without matter exists in the form of interactions - waves, "black holes".
The vector properties of energy are immutable!
The vector properties of energy in the state of matter, produce transformations
of state, structure, form and physical and chemical processes. Matter, energy
structures, being more or less damped oscillations, have a limited existence
between composition, reproduction and decomposition. The process of
biological reproduction is known. By reproduction, cosmic bodies remove
excess kinetic energy from the sphere of substance (black holes do not reproduce).
The process of reproduction of cosmic bodies is inconceivable, although in
the solar system there are clear landmarks of the process of planetary reproduction:
The existence of a hierarchy of the settlement of planetary orbits, between
which there is the orbit of a failed reproduction, called the asteroid belt (the
substance of the belt failed to initiate an orthogonal structure to generate hydrogen).
The existence of repulsion forces between the sun and the orbits of the planets.
The existence of incomprehensible phenomena in the chromosphere of the sun (solar wind).
The existence of satellites and belts around the planets, copies of the process
of reproduction of the planets, Jupiter still retaining the original structure.
The unknowledge of the internal structures of the sun and planets, due to
misinterpretation of the electrical phenomenon.
The bodies of the universe have orthogonally closed vector circuits in the
shape of an electromagnet. The closed orthogonal circuits generate centripetal
forces. The electric and magnetic centripetal forces accelerate and spherically
compress the hydrogen. The pressure, increasing exponentially towards the
center, separates the spectrum of oscillations in three concentric levels, with
different frequencies and temperatures. Thus, the temperature of the upper
level, the plasma reaches a maximum and then decreases, in the next level
the vector oscillations are attenuated until zero and the last level,
in the electroide, the temperature is of zero Kelvin.
Between levels one and two, the acceleration and pressure of electric and
magnetic centripetal forces rectifier the oscillating circuits of the substance
in its own directions and sense, lowering the temperature and amplifying the pressure.
The phenomenon is simple, as in the rectifier diode, the polarities
of the vectors are attracted on the shortest path, offered by the density.
Increased pressure
The pressure is generated by the centripetal forces of the orthogonal circuits,
propagated at the speed of light. The speed of propagation of centripetal
forces tends to zero, being converted into the orientation density of the
vectors in the orthogonal circuits and in pressure. The electrical (vector)
circuits contract around the magnetic axis in the form of potential energy
(electroid) - the nucleus. Magnetic circuits (vector), kinetic energy, annularly
compress the electroide. In the nucleus area, the density of the vectors
orientation clearly delimits the kinetic energy, the magnetism, as against
potential energy, the electroide, the magnetism being an "insulator" for the electroide.
In cosmic bodies the magnetic circuit continuously induces its cinetical state,
in the potential state of energy, in the electroide and vice versa, the electroide
induces its potential state in the kinetic state of the magnetic field with the speed of light
(faraday's induction phenomenon)