The formation of the universe has three arguments:
1) The existence of the universe is the result of divine creation,
determined from fear of the natural phenomena, attributed to divine power.
2) The existence of the universe is the result of the great explosion,
deduction from the interpretation of the expansion of the universe.
3) The existence of the universe is the matter state of the energy with vector
properties, discovered in the contactless interactions. The vector properties
of energy are a binary alphabet, which writes with the interactions between them,
a matter state of the energy. So, energy does not depend on the state
of matter, but matter depends on the state of energy. The vector properties
of energy are immutable, while the matter states of energy vary dynamically
and unceasingly, between existence and non existence. Without energy
matter does not exist, but energy with vector properties
also exists without matter and is called "black holes".
Properties of vectors - energy alphabet
Properties of vectors: sense, force, direction and orthogonality.
Sense: a vector has two polarities, denoted by the plus and minus signs.
Force: the polarities of vectors with opposite signs is attract each other,
those with the same sign is reject each other.
Direction: the vectors attract each other with maximum force, on the collinear
direction. When the direction is a curve, the vectors attract each other on the
shortest path, on the chord of curve. When the curve is a circle, the vectors
is draw in on the successive chords, forming successively smaller circles,
towards a common center. This phenomenon is the centripetal force (gravity).
The effects of direction property:
Stellar magnetic poles are open vector circuits with the same sense. They
come out of the electroide with enormous pressures and densities and huge
kinetic energy. The polarities blow plasma jets, which show linear directions
and radial dispersion. Radial dispersion is the force that lenticular ordone the
substance of the system. Orthogonality: when a vector circuit closes, another
identical circuit closes Functionally, circuits are called electrical and magnetic
circuits. The sense of the circuits is known as the rule of drill. This phenomenon
is the orthogonality property of vectors. The effects of the interaction of
vector properties is matter, nature. Orthogonality is the structure of vector
interactions that become corpuscular properties, the matter state of energy
- hydrogen. The same property of orthogonality spherically compresses
hydrogen - the bodies of the universe. So the universe with vector
electromagnetism (orthogonal circuits) is matter state of the energy with
vector properties. Orthogonal circuits induce each other and alternately their
kinetic and potential state of energy, oscillations characteristic of the existence
of matter. Or they continuously induce their kinetic state (magnetism), in the
potential state of the energy (electroid) and potential state in the kinetic state.