Galactic images
Space telescopes capture images with deformed galaxy nuclei.
To these images are added the inexplicable structure of their nuclei.
Of course, the telescope does not "lie", the reality shows.
The "logistics" of interpretation,
the "patterns" of subjective theories, incompatible with reality, are distorted.
We do not know the electrical, magnetic and gravity (forces) phenomena yet.
The materialistic conception, the atomic theory, the electric charges and the gravity are false!
This finding has dragged on for centuries, and is now seen as a catastrophe.
Vector interpretation
Existence is energy with vector properties.
The energy with vector properties is organized into two circuits, which are surround orthogonally,
one around the other - electric and magnetic circuit.
We call these circuits "electric" and "magnetic", knowing their vectorial nature.
The orthogonality of the circuits produces centripetal electromagnetic acceleration,
which compresses them to a minimum (constant) size.
The reciprocally and permanently compressed circuits, similar with stellar electroide,
have now the properties a solid corpuscle .
This is the hydrogen atom, which will make up the "matter" of the universe.
Circuits, the hydrogen atom oscillates around a balance and emits its own spectrum.
The centripetal electromagnetic acceleration of the atom compresses the incident radiation
in the circuits, similar to the electroide ("absorption").
The circuits retain their size by releasing the surplus of energy, even in the form of hydrogen atoms!
In other words, the hydrogen atom reproduces, extend the universe!
Apparently, the atom is indestructible, but when inside a star it is electromagnetically compressed,
it decomposes into compressed vectors in the electroide.
Space and gravity are one and the same phenomenon
- Ccentripetal electromagnetic interaction -

Newton's gravitation is an illusion.
Einstein, in his attempt to elucidation, moves the illusion into space.
But what is space?
Vectorially, space is energy, the dimensions of centripetal vector interactions
(atoms, stars, galaxies, etc.), through which they establish "boundaries" and structure links.
Vectorially, gravity is exactly the dimensions of centripetal accelerated
vector interactions, exactly the space.
So gravity is the space and all the content its, centripetal accelerated.
It is evident here, the illusion of "gravitational attraction" of Newton.
The space in moving accelerated and curved centripetal, in one sense (the time),
finds Einstein's idea of "space-time" (unfounded).
The vectorial interpretation of space reveals an incredible reality:
It shows that space is dynamic, in accelerated centripetal motion, by the bodies that generate it,
the electrode and the hydrogen atom, which are a form of organization of vector (energy) properties.
The size of the electrode is proportional to the size of the galaxy, the star, etc.
In some galaxies, the electroide is so strong that the magnetic poles
are devoid of substance (without radiation).
However, the electroide of the galaxy, perpendicularly see bright.
Above the electrode, the ray of light and the direction of centripetal acceleration of the space
through which it propagates are vectorially composed and the plane of the image is inclined.