Space is the electromagnetic
structure of the universe
The definitions of space and forces are ways of interpreting existence.
The new definition of space, outlined in the previous article, requires
clear argumentation.
Existence is energy with vector properties.
The first form of the existence of energy with vector properties
is the SPACE - the centripetal accelerating interactions.
On second place is the result of centripetal accelerations, the atom,
the matter.
In the third place is consciousness, biological structure.
The interactions of the energy with vector properties form two vector
which orthogonal surround to each other.
This is the hydrogen atom, the miracle of existence!
The two circuits will receive the electric and magnetic name.
The atom extends around it open, electrically and magnetically open polarities,
which can be closed at a distance and will interact with other polarities.
These interactions were called of Faraday's "force field", or
of Rutherford's "empty space."
The hydrogen atom is the miracle of existence, because its oscillations
allow reproduction.
Hydrogen reproduction conditions are into stars and explosions.
The orthogonal electromagnetic circuits of the atom,
generate centripetal electromagnetic acceleration.
The centripetal acceleration compresses the circuits into the center of
the atom
and increasing the density (Rtherford's nucleus surrounded by "empty
In this configuration, the energy, the centripetal electromagnetic force
is maximum at the center of the atom and decreases with the distance from
the center.
This is the spectrum of the interaction forces of the atom with other
which form structures with the same configuration, up to the size of galaxies.
The spectrum of interactions begins with the microscopic dimensions of
the atom
and reaches to the astronomical dimensions of the galactic structures.
The sum of these spectra of interactions constitutes the space, the
From this perspective, we cannot speak of a space independent of matter,
an absolute space as Newton says.
From the point of view of structure, of energy, obviously, space is heterogeneous,
as Riemann says.
The space is heterogeneous also from the point of view of the transparency
of the electromagnetic oscillations.
There where the interactions are weak and relatively uniform, the transparency
is optimal,
the propagation environment having the same electromagnetic density.
Wrongly, only this environment is considered space, because
only through this the light propagates, not and through the objects that
produce it.
Although apparently the space is stable, the objects keep their arrangement
and the distances between them, the space and he is also in continuous
extension, because the objects, their structure are continuously developing.
The measure of evolution in form and volume, we perceive it with the sense
and it attribute the notion of TIME.
"If we play the film of evolution back", we find the beginning
of existence,
when the vector properties of energy organized the first interactions,
Order and stability in the universe
The order and stability of the objects of the universe represents the
between the centripetal electromagnetic accelerations of the objects.
The balance consists of interactions of the same vector properties,
stable since the formation of the object.
The interactions of balance are a kind of "climate",
oscillating borders into one side or the other.
Breaking the balance, of the border, implies the transfer of the substance
to the stronger object.