The structure of the universe in general
The Electroide

Vector properties produce laws of electromagnetism, and the electromagnetism laws
organizes the structures of the universe, amazingly stable.
Essential phenomena in these structures, describes the electroid.
The electrode is a huge electric arc in a closed toroidal circuit.
The electrode demonstrates autonomous electromagnetic properties.
Autonomous because the organizes structure and the functioning
with its own vector interactions with the laws of electromagnetism.
The electric arc are the parallel currents compressed into the toroidal
axis of the electroid, by the electromagnetic force, after of the Ampere rule.
The currents are the vectors, the polarities of the elements oriented in the same direction,
by the electromagnetic force.
Electrical polarities are the "hands" of atoms, their bonding forces with other atoms.
Currents are strings of atoms that are "holding their hands" in gas or crystals.
Independent electrical loads that run through conductors remain
an interpretation of electricity overcome by vector interpretation.
The structure of the electroid is organized by the properties of the vectors by
selecting the conductivity of the elements, forming layers
with extremely stable densities, pressures and temperatures.
Thus, in the toroidal axis, the most conductive elements are compressed,
over which there are deposited less conductive layers outwards.
The electroide is self-isolated and confined by its own magnetic field,
attracting the substance with its electromagnetic force until it becomes a sphere.