The linking forces
The vector interpretation of the connection forces.
The connection nuclear force, is not an special force, an exception of the nature.
All interactions come from the properties of the vector space.
Forces are currents of orthogonal vectors - "electricity and magnetism"
Therefore, closing or opening an electrical circuit, produces between contacts, electric arc - centripetal vectorial interaction.
The essence of this phenomenon is the frequency of the vector currents, that vary constant increasing toward the center, with speed c.
"A tearing" of the vector current of the nuclear connection, produces a centripetal vectorial interaction, which opposes fission, by increasing of the density of current of connection and of the energy (temperature).
The fusion or fission of the substance structures, produce centripetal force
Three examples: lightning, combustion processes and nuclear processes.
The centripetal vector interaction is therefore, source of the emitted radiation in nuclear processes
Oscillations with the frequency acceleration