The hydrodynamic paradox
In vectorial interpreting, the hydrodynamic paradox it has a logical explanation.
On the reduced diameter portion of the cylinder, increasing the speed of flow, polarises the vectors of the fluid and form the vector currents.
Currents with the same sense, generates centripetal vector interactions.
The interaction accelerates the vector currents , from periphery to the center - "the depression"
It's the same phenomenon as at the electric arc, the quality of orthogonal of the vectors.
The Magnus effect
A sphere, by rotation and translation, do a swirl.
On one side of the sphere, vectors have the same sense and produce centripetal interactions (attraction).
On other side of the sphere, the vectors have opposite senses and generates centrifugal interactions (rejection)
The trend of the vectors towards unification to the orientation is a swirl form
The centrifugal force "of all days"
Circular motion of an object around a center, has his own rotation.
has his own rotation around axis own
The vectors orientate of these movements, show the centrifugal force "of all days"
and the vector nature of the space
The dynamic phenomena discovered by Bernoulli and Magnus,
are interactions of the orthogonal vector space.
They are a family of interactions with hypostases of atmospheric swirl, Coriolis force, electric arc, oscillations electromagnetic,
the planetary dynamic - gravity.