The force of the motion of rotation.
The effects of accelerations g and e are evident at cosmic scale, at a star.
Spherical compression of the substance, the star,
and the rotation motion are the effects of vector properties in the organization of existence.
The effects of accelerations g and e are also in the electric conductor:
The thermal effect of the electric current, respectively the propagation.
When we say electric motor, we think of electric current in coils, magnetic cores, stator, rotor, shaft, bearings, etc. All this arranged according to an electrical operating scheme.
The rotation movement of a star in the universe has the same operating scheme as the electric motor,
but without spools, bearings, etc. All EM forces are produced at the atomic level and in fields EM.
EM forces are produced with many "radiant energy losses".
The common magnetic field, stabilizes the directions of interaction g and e.
Perpendicular to the magnetic field, the tangential currents of rotation interact, producing
centripetal force g (gravity). The centripetal acceleration compresses the substance spherically and
produces its polarization - the radial electrical potential (REP).
The REP and his perpendicular currents on the magnetic field, interact with it and produce the angular EM acceleration (vortex) and is unite into the centripetal acceleration currents (Ampere's rule).
This phenomenon reminds us of Hall effect.
The force of the rotation movement
is the force that propagates the electric current.
The magnetism of the stars divulge structures of electromagnetic (vector) laws. The EM force in the electric conductor produces radial open polarities (REP) and directs them in closed circuit,
coaxially to the magnetic field.
This interpretation reveals a possible toroidal structure within the stars
and possibly the existence of a solid core in rotation motion.
Maximum pressure, density and temperature are in the tor!
If the electrical potential produces cathode-anode electrolysis,
and the magnetic potential, the magnetic axis, produces north-south magnetolysis.
REP-Ig orthogonal conversion separates the orthogonal accelerations g and e.
The phenomena of gravity, vortices, satellites, orbits, lightning, earthquakes,
are real EM interactions, now better understood.