The stability of the atomic nucleus structure consists into
the energy of the liaison currents.

The hydrogen atom is an oscillator formed by orthogonal (electromagnetic) closed vector fields.
The self-organizing of hydrogen (unity particle) in atomic structures is the consequence of attraction forces between their opposing sign vector polarities,
forming (electromagnetic) liaison currents.
The stability of the liaison currents is manifested by their (electromagnetic) oscillations.
The energy of the liaison current, Elink is the frequency multiplied by the intensity.
Elink = f × i
Four hydrogen atoms joined by such electromagnetic currents make up the helium atom.
The geometry and symmetry of the helium-bonding currents determines a monolithic structure, an extremely stable particle.
How the unit particle, the hydrogen, into the helium atom is composed,
alike the helium atoms (unit particles) make up the atoms of the heavier, very stable elements.
The atoms of the elements that integrate into their structure in addition to helium atoms
and hydrogen atoms, become less stable.
Differentiating the stability of the elements is accomplished by the energy of the liaison currents (the frequency).
The ideal stability of the liaison currents is therefore the frequency of their oscillations,
which tends to infinity (superconductivity).
Explosions - disintegration reactions
Corpuscular Interpretation:

In a structure of radioactive atoms, one of the atoms "releases" a neutron (projectile).
The neutron breaks the neighboring atom, resulting in two different atoms.
They in turn, each release one a neutron.
This results in chain reactions that break down the entire structure.
Vector Interpretation:
Disintegration is electromagnetic (vectorial) interactions that break down atomic structures
by breaking the bonding currents.
In order to understand these interactions,
we need to know the causes that break the electromagnetic currents.
An ice crystal exposed to heat melts slowly until it disappears.
If thrown on a hot plate, the crystal suddenly disappears as an explosion.
The currents of molecular bonds at the surface of the ice crystal have resonated
with thermal oscillations and the molecules have free off.
On the hob, the process was amplified.
The small explosion (radioactivity)
A radioactive mineral is decomposed in a similar way.
The liaison current of the particles at the surface of the radioactive atom is at the minimum energy limit and sometimes may be interrupted with electric arc
The electric arc, a small explosion, generates electromagnetic oscillations,
which propagate centrifugally at the speed of light,
accelerating the expulsion of the particle detached from the atom - radioactivity.
Radioactivity shows the limit of the stability of bonding currents in atom, on earth.
In the sun, the limit stops at Heliu.
The great explosion.
In the atomic explosion the phenomena are the same,
only the conditions in which they occur are the specifically.
Special devices are built in order to achieve maximum effects.
The device is detonated with electromagnetic oscillations produced for this purpose,
inside a closed container filled with radioactive mineral
The liaison currents of the atoms (from the radioactive mineral) simultaneously resonate with the oscillations produced and break with electric arc. The immensity of electromagnetic waves is amplified by atomic absorption / emission processes.
In the absorption / emission processes, the atoms absorb electromagnetic waves
and emit traveling oscillators (laser beams).
Traveling oscillators are hydrogen atoms with unilateral oscillations.
Under these conditions, the stability of the connecting currents of the mineral atoms descends
with the speed of light at the level similar those from sun. the mineral becomes
interactions, gas, pressure, light, energy - space.
Logically, space as such does not exist.
The invisible stretching of vector interactions, of electromagnetic oscillations,
and the visible images of their sources, have formed our the inherent perception called space.
Without vectorial, energy-free interactions, the notion of space makes no sense!
Without vector interactions, the universe it would be a star without planets, or nothing.
We deduce that any explosion produces interactions - it produces space!
We can say that space are the vectorial interactions, electromagnetism.
Interpretation of radioactive contamination
Atomic explosion is a particular case because in that the radioactive mineral is unstable.
The pressure, the detention of these interactions, respects the laws of physics.
Interactions are also the explosions that throw cannon ball, which decompose the meteorites, which produce lightning and earthquakes, or that produce rocket propulsion.
The characteristic effects of the atomic explosion are penetrating electromagnetic oscillations.
Oscillations induce the resonance of bridging currents in mineral structures
and destroying stability, or in organic tissues, destroying functions.
