Vector space.
The characteristic of vector space is the sensitivity of vector polarities to
interact instantly, like the touch function of mobile phones, which few,
very few users understand. The interactions of vector properties are the
fundamental form of energy. Very important are the discussions on
Wikipedia regarding the axial rotation to the right of the vectors
(see the drawing). The axial rotation of vectors is a vector property
unknown until now, the cause of the structure of orthogonally closed
circuits (see drawing). The modulus of a vector in a closed circuit suddenly
decreases towards zero, generating the centripetal force. The centripetal
forces of the orthogonally closed circuits mutually compress their density,
forming a vector structure called the hydrogen nucleus. The only dimensional
limit of the vector space is the density of the vector polarities oriented in the
orthogonally closed circuits, in the hydrogen nucleus. The potential energy
of hydrogen is specific, determined by the maximum possible density of
orthogonally closed symmetrical vector circuits. The hydrogen nucleus is
not an atom, that is, indestructible, it does not rotate, the rotation plane of
the circuits being orthogonal, they cancel each other out. The orthogonal
circuits of hydrogen are symmetrical, it has no magnetism, it has no
electricity, each circuit has open vector polarities, so it is tetrapolar.
The nucleus, the potential energy is vector space compressed in
orthogonally closed circuits, which can be converted into kinetic energy,
into oscillations of vector space, into light. The conversion of hydrogen can
be "read" in the activity of the sun. The pressure of the centripetal vector
force in the gas sphere increases exponentially. In the lower atmosphere of
the sun, the pressure produces the first phase of the conversion of the
potential energy of hydrogen into kinetic energy, forming the chromosphere.
In the chromosphere, hydrogen fusion and multiplication reactions predominate.
The increasing pressure pushes the multiplied hydrogen into the next phase,
the photosphere, where potential energy becomes kinetic. In the photosphere,
kinetic energy looks like a "thermal inferno", the hydrogen is decomposed
into continuously ejected oscillations, radially and centripetally. If the radial
emission of oscillations is well known, the internal emission of oscillations
is absolutely unknown. The wavelength of the centripetally ejected
oscillations increases proportionally to the pressure, which increases
exponentially, and the internally ejected oscillations become components
of the solar orthogonal circuits. Unknown is the state of the vector space
inside, over a radius of hundreds of thousands of km. Rationally, the interior
of the sun is filled with orthogonally closed vector circuits, with the density of
the vector space oriented, increasing exponentially towards the center. So, the
variation of the density of the vector space, reaches the center, in the solid state.
The movement of bodies in the universe.
Microscopic and macroscopic vector structures are vector space with
different densities of orientations in direction and sense, called forms,
bodies, matter. Obviously, these structures are not independent, delimited
by vector space. Bodies remain fixed with open polarities in vector space,
where they were generated. The arrangement of bodies in vector space is
preserved by their radial polarizations of the same sign, which repel each
other, producing expansion. So, the movement of galactic systems in vector
space is expansion. In macroscopic, asymmetric structures, in planetary,
stellar and galactic systems, the potential energy of the "core" increases,
depending on the addition of hydrogen gas. The common characteristic of
asymmetric structures is the centripetal vector pressure, in exponential growth,
and the differential rotational movement. The differential rotation movement,
through the gyroscopic effect, is another way of stability. These phenomena
require clear explanations of the interaction of vector properties.
As an example, in the solar system, the exponential increase in pressure is
produced by the centripetal forces of orthogonally closed vector circuits.
The differential rotation of the solar system is determined by the axial
rotation of the vectors to the right.
The orthogonally closed vector
circuits, electric and magnetic, produce centripetal forces and rotational
movements. The planes of the magnetic circuits repel each other around the
electrical circuit, forming the magnetic axis, canceling out the rotation effect.
Only the electric circuit has an equatorial rotation plane, with the center in
the magnetic axis, entraining the magnetism in rotation. The axial rotation
to the right of the vectors constitutes the essence of the magnetic axis.
The enormous density of open polarities in the magnetic axis, being parallel,
polarizes the vector space curvilinearly and bidirectionally. At the apogee of
the solar system the curvilinear vector circuits continuously close and resume
the centripetal force, with the increase in the density of the circuits towards
the center of the solar system. Obviously, the increase in the density of the
circuits towards the center of the system is also the cause of the differential
rotation, maximum at the center. The planets of the solar system do not
move in orbits "in" the vector space, the differential rotation movement
is of the solar system, of the vector space in which the planetary systems
are located. In the solar system, the planetary systems oscillate in the
direction of the solar ray, between apogee and perigee, depending
on the variation of the density of the orthogonal solar circuits.
Note the origin.
The minuscule vector energy becomes the energy of a star!
The minuscule vector rotation, becomes the rotation of a galaxy!












