Planet Mercury.
Vector interpretation.

Mercury is the last planet reproduced in the solar chromosphere.
The energy of the activity of the planets depends on the substance brought
by the centripetal forces of the orthogonally closed vector circuits.
Stars generate their own substance, multiplying hydrogen atoms.
The planet Mercury being already a solid body, with its atmosphere lost,
the pressure and density of the centripetal forces of the orthogonal circuits
(electric and magnetic) decreased. The causes of the decrease in the density
of oriented circuits are the small size of the planet and vicinity to the solar
sphere. A direct effect of the decrease in the density of oriented circuits
(in the magnetic axis) is demonstrated by the decrease in axial rotation.
Another direct effect is the large variation in temperature on the planet's
surface. Due to the slow axial rotation, the increase in temperature on the
illuminated hemisphere is explainable. Inexplicable is the large decrease in
temperature in the opposite, shaded hemisphere. This variation demonstrates
that the electric core, although dilated, has a temperature close to zero K.
Therefore, a cause of the weakening of orthogonally closed vector circuits
is also solar radiation, active since the formation of the planet in the solar
chromosphere In the chromosphere, orthogonally closed vector circuits
compress the gas of a vortex spherically and form a macroscopic structure,
a planet. The new gas structure, rich in substance, with strong centripetal forces
and radial vector polarizations like the sun, was rejected into vector space.




This repulsion is the cause of the expansion of the universe.
The planet Mercury, a small star, with a chromosphere, photosphere and
rapid rotation, moving away from the sun, gradually lost the pressure of
centripetal forces. The decrease in pressure created the conditions
for intense fusion reactions, resulting in the current structure.
The discrepancy of the planet Mercury shows the rejection towards the sun.
Solar system.
The perception that the planet Mercury revolves around the sun is an illusion!
Bodies are structures of vector interactions, they are vector space.
The sun continuously polarizes vector space, through orthogonally closed
vector circuits (electric and magnetic). The polarities of the north and south
magnetic axis, being parallel, repel each other and curvilinearly polarize the
vector space at long distances, where they close. Simultaneously, vector
(electrical) circuits with the lowest density close orthogonally and together
produce centripetal forces, increasing their density towards the center.
It also increases the orientation density of the vector space closed by the circuits.
The vectorial property of axial rotation in the magnetic axis, with the highest
orientation density, produces a rotational movement in the electric circuits,
directly proportional to the orientation density. This proportionality is the
cause of the differential rotation of the vector space enclosed by orthogonally
closed vector circuits, called the solar system. The angular rotation speed of
the space in the system becomes minimum at the equator and maximum in
the solar sphere. Space in the solar system is the home where the planets
settled after detaching from sun. As the planets move away from the sun,
space carries them at ever-decreasing speeds, until they reach their apogee,
where centripetal force pushes them toward the center. Towards the center,
space carries them with ever-increasing rotation speeds, until the perigee, where
the repulsive forces resume the perigee-apogee oscillation,
repulsive / compressive
vector forces. So, orbits are illusions, the sun differentially rotates the system, the
space with the planets in it. To remember, planets are imponderable vector structures.