Vector interpretation.
Mercury is the last planet reproduced in the solar chromosphere.
The energy of the activity of the planets depends on the substance brought
by the centripetal forces of the orthogonally closed vector circuits.
Stars generate their own substance, multiplying hydrogen atoms.
The planet Mercury being already a solid body, with its atmosphere lost,
the pressure and density of the centripetal forces of the orthogonal circuits
(electric and magnetic) decreased. The causes of the decrease in the density
of oriented circuits are the small size of the planet and vicinity to
the solar
sphere. A direct effect of the decrease in the density of oriented circuits
(in the magnetic axis) is demonstrated by the decrease in axial rotation.
Another direct effect is the large variation in temperature on the planet's
surface. Due to the slow axial rotation, the increase in temperature on
illuminated hemisphere is explainable. Inexplicable is the large decrease
temperature in the opposite, shaded hemisphere. This variation demonstrates
that the electric core, although dilated, has a temperature close to zero
Therefore, a cause of the weakening of orthogonally closed vector circuits
is also solar radiation, active since the formation of the planet in the
chromosphere In the chromosphere, orthogonally closed vector circuits
compress the gas of a vortex spherically and form a macroscopic structure,