complexity of centripetal interaction of the earth is "simple"
1. Centripetal interaction accelerates and compresses the earth
substance up to 2 mil bar in the center of the earth
(form up the earth structure)
2. Centripetal interaction polarizes (ionizes) the substance and
produces the earth's electric-potential
3. The Electric-Potential continuously discharges a "rain"
of vectorial parallel currents to the center of the earth.
4. The Density of the parallel currents increases proportional
with the substance density
5. The Density of the parallel currents produces specific Centripetal
interactions called - Background noise
6. The specific Background noise of the ionosphere is Aurora Polaris
produced by the fusion of atoms rarefied, but accelerated to very high
speeds (so-called cosmic radiation).
7. The specific Background noise of the atmosphere is acoustic,
radio and optical radiation
8. The specific Background noise under the earth are mechanical
(earthquake) and acoustic (ultrasonic).
9. The specific background noise in the center of the earth are
the effects of the interactions atomic ties (plasma).