Radioactivity in interpretation of the vector space
The oscillators formed the atoms of the elements, by uniting mutual of the link currents - fusion.
The atoms of elements, compose increasingly complex atomic structures with the same vector ties between atoms.
At connection or disconnection (fusion / fission), the vector circuits connecting, produce
centripetal vector interactions - electric arc.
The force of interaction, are exactly the frequencies of spectrum emitted by arc.
Maximum limit are gamma radiation.
Follows the interactions in optical domain radiation.
Then there are the interactions of the thermal radiation, emitted by chemical and biological reactions, from animal body heat, to cosmic body heat
The minimum limit, that conclude the spectrum of these interactions is gravity.
The stability or instability of an atom, all depend on frequency, and resonance of the linking current, with the oscillation of the atom.
Links with optimum resonance, have atoms with high stability.
Links with deviations from resonance, have heavy atoms, but not only.
Who dreams?
- Who dreams that the earth in rotation induce orthogonal currents into space?
- Who dreams that these currents moving at light speed toward the center?
- Who dreams that electricity and magnetism of the earth are gravity?
- Who dreams that the earth is rotated of "rain"?
- Who dreams that such "rain" produces magnetism and gravity?
- Who dreams that these phenomena are a causal chain closed?